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Bhadrapada Purnima : Full Moon Of Divine Beauty

Purnima or Full Moon, a night when the sky comes alive with the beauty of the Full Moon…..  

Full Moon night

Bhadrapada Purnima is the full Moon day which happens in the month of Bhado or Bhadrapada. This Purnima is dedicated to Lord Satyanarayana, it is known as Pournami in South India. There are a total of 12 Purnimas in a year. Each Purnima has its significant role in Hindu Calenders. Purnima divides a month into two halfs. Dark half (Krishna Paksha) and bright half (shukla Paksha). 

Click here to know the Purnima dates in 2013 -Purnima dates in 2013 

Bhadrapada month gets its name due to the formation of the Bhadrapada constellation (eastern and northern) and Purnima is the day the Yoga of this Nakshatra (constellation) is formed. Pitru Paksha Shraddha is performed the next day of Bhadrapada Purnima Shraddha. The deity of worship during Bhadrapada Purnima is Lord Sathyanarayana. 

Bhadrapada Purnima Vrat and Puja 

Lord Satyanarayana
It is considered highly auspicious to do Satyanarayana Puja during Bhadrapada Purnima. Satyanarayana is an avatar of Lord Vishnu is considered as the epitome of truth and all that is pure. Satyanarayana fast is considered to be very effective, conducting a Satyanarayana swamy Puja during house warming ceremony will purify the house from all the negativity from all around. Krittika Nakshatra Yoga is formed during the Saptami of Krishna Paksha and it is considered auspicious to worship Lord Vishnu during this period.  Performing Satyanarayana Puja on all Purnimas will bring wealth and prosperity to the family.  

Lord Satyanarayana is worshipped with Panchamrit, fruits, ganga jal, til and tulsi. One has to maintain a strict fast while doing the puja, donating food and clothes to a brahmin is considered sacred on this day. 

Click here to download Wallpapers of Lord Vishnu -Lord Satyanarayana or Vishnu

It is considered highly auspicious to perform Maha Mrityunjaya Havan during Purnima. It believed to be very effective and relieves one from all the negative vibes and miseries. Chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra will protect one from any evil or unfortunate event that might befall them. 

Click here to know more about Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

May this Purnima make your life as bright as the divine Moon itself.

Otago Volts vs Kandurata Maroons: Astro-Numerology Prediction


Champions League T20 2013 cricket Tournament will start on Sep 17, 2013 in India. The Champions League T20 schedule is prepared following the success of the IPL. It allows other teams from different similar tournaments like that of IPL to participate. The Champions League T20 fixtures is prepared keeping in mind the best interest of the players from different franchises of the countries. I have tried to find the results from my system of Astro-numerology. We are sure to witness lots of fireworks and uproars in the ground and in stadium as we had seen in IPL. Best of luck to all the teams.

Match -3, Otago Volts vs Kandurata Maroons

16:00, Mohali

Time used for prediction: 18:30
Ascendant lord: Jupiter-21
Ascendant star lord: Saturn-21
Moon sign lord: Saturn-21
Moon star lord: Rahu-9
Day lord: Mercury-9

Winner: The result derived is 1 so OTAGO VOLTS will win this match.

Sunrisers Hyderabad Vs Faisalabad Wolves: Astro-Numerology Prediction


Champions League T20 2013 cricket Tournament will start on Sep 17, 2013 in India. The Champions League T20 schedule is prepared following the success of the IPL. It allows other teams from different similar tournaments like that of IPL to participate. The Champions League T20 fixtures is prepared keeping in mind the best interest of the players from different franchises of the countries. I have tried to find the results from my system of Astro-numerology. We are sure to witness lots of fireworks and uproars in the ground and in stadium as we had seen in IPL. Best of luck to all the teams.

Match -4, Sunrisers Hyderabad Vs Faisalabad Wolves

20:00, Mohali

Time used for prediction: 21:30
Ascendant lord: Venus-9
Ascendant star lord: Sun-5
Moon sign lord: Saturn-21
Moon star lord:-Jupiter-21
Day lord: Mercury-9

Winner: The result derived is 0 so Faisalabad Wolves will win this match.

Find Your Potential To Become Rich!


“If you want to know what God thinks about money, Just look at the people he gives it to” - Dorothy Parker

With the above statement, we can conclude that everyone wants to be that person. Some may openly agree to it and some may secretly wish for it. Whatever it may be, AstroSage has formulated some valuable information with the help of Astrology to get you that luxurious life you crave for.
Money tree
In today's world of price hike, cut throat competition, inflation and various upheavals; a common man stands all alone with all his tensions and problems. Money is the only thing which can bring happiness in the home, no matter what people may say. The bitter truth of Kaliyuga is, money is a must for living. Who will get it and who will not, can be ascertained by your horoscope by deciphering the Yogas (conjunctions) present in it.

We are all born with a destiny based on our past karmas and we reap the fruits, sweet or bitter, in this life. It is destiny that made a tea stall vendor, a could be Prime Minister of this nation. There are thousands of such illustrations. When one becomes rich, he automatically becomes famous and power comes to him unconditionally. This is the reason why everyone wants to be rich in today’s world. 

Everybody wants that dream job with a handsome pay and a work that will get you going. With the help of AstroSage’s career and job services, you may find the right job and set up a shining career. Just click here to know more - Career and Job Services

Get an insight on your life, 

Traditional astrology provides us many Yogas or combinations which makes one rich, affluent or opulent. For various ascendants, we can fathom the magnitude upto which a person will be rich.

As far as traditional astrology is concerned, there are combinations or Yogas which makes one very rich and I am presenting some of them here for you:

  1. If the Lord of ascendant is in 2nd house, Lord of second house is in 11th house and Lord of 11th house is in ascendant, the native will have huge money.
  2. If Venus is in 5th house, in own sign and Saturn is directly aspecting it, then it creates a very strong combination for accumulating wealth.
  3. If Mercury is in 5th in own sign and Moon and Mars are having 180 degree aspect on it then the native earns quite well in his life.
  4. If Jupiter is in own sign in 5th house and is aspected by Mars and Moon jointly, then native earns huge amounts.
  5. If Sun is in ascendant in own sign and aspected by Mars and Jupiter then a very strong wealth Yoga is created.
  6. If Mercury is in ascendant in own sign and is having 180 degree aspect of Saturn and Venus or is conjunct with them, then the native earns well.
  7. If 2nd Lord is conjunct or aspected by 7th Lord and Venus as well as ascendant Lords are having good aspects and least malefic effects then the native earns through his wife.
  8. If ascendant Lord and 2nd house Lord are having mutual exchange then the native earns without much efforts. 
  9. If Mars is in ascendant in own sign and is aspected by Moon, Venus and Saturn or is conjunct with them then the native has wealth Yoga in his chart.

Apart from these, there are several other combinations told by our sages. But mainly 2, 6, 10 & 11 are the houses which play a major role in one`s financial profile. Connection of Lords of 2, 10 & 11 or Lords of 2, 11 or 10, 11 produces good results regarding finance. This connection can be from aspects, conjunctions, star or sub-lord. But I feel that one should not always run after money and try to achieve happiness in whatever he has. 

A good planning always helps in better execution, plan your finances better and live a tension free relaxed life. This year we made it easy for you. AstroSage has come up with finance report that will give you an idea of how your finance graph will be for the upcoming months. Whether it will be a smooth sail or a rough one you can find out with this software. 

Just click to know your -Finance Report

This small effort will stop many unwanted happenings in life, which will lead to dissatisfaction toward everyone; sadness, melancholia, and many other things. 

After making truest effort one should leave everything in the hands of Almighty and let Him decide what's best for us.

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (19.9.2013)


Planets position on 19th September 2013 at 09:15 am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Moon opposite Sun, Mars squares Ketu, Mercury sextiles Mars & Squares Jupiter. Jupiter trines Moon. Venus, Saturn and Rahu squares Mars. 


Tithi: Shukla Poornima
Nakshatra: Poorvabhadra
Yoga: Ganda
Karana: Bava

Astro signals are giving mixed results for NIFTY. It will be better to stay away from market today. Copper will see downtrend till late evening.

Persons having Capricorn and Virgo moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.

Disclaimer: - The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

AstroSage Treat For Android Users

Android Aquarian
Now-a-days, everyone wants things to be done the easy way. No one wants to dress up, travel or wait in a queue to just get a simple thing done. Like… let’s say, meet an Astrologer. In olden days people would travel miles to seek a good astrologer’s views and opinions about the matters concerning that person. But the same thing now could be really tasking, what with the crazy traffic jams or driving for hours together. Everyone wants things to be accessible at the comfort of their homes, even better if its just a finger touch away and it would make their day if they are available for FREE. This is exactly what we had in mind when we designed the Android Apps for all the proud Android users out there. 

Sit back and enjoy all the services that we have provided. These will cover all the topics related to astrology. No need to travel to meet an astrologer anymore, just choose the apps that you want and that will assists you just like an astrologer would. So have a look,

Click here to access our cool Android Applications - AstroSage Android Applications

Now, lets see each of the applications in detail

1) AstroSage Kundli : This software will give you Your Kundali (birth chart) with just a click. This app has all the methods in astrology which includes KP system, Parashari Astrology, Lal Kitab and many more. 

Click here to download the app - AstroSage Kundli 

2) AstroSage Horoscope : One of the most searched topic in astrology is the Horoscope prediction, Everyone wants to know how their stars are and will be. So to know just that we have got you AstroSage Horoscope, this app will give you your daily, weekly, montly and yearly predictions. 

Click here to download the app - AstroSage Horoscope

3) Horoscope Matching : As the name itself suggests this app is used for finding out compatibility between two horoscope. 

Click here to download the app -Horoscope Matching

4) Indian Baby Names : A name has the power to break or make a person. A good name with all the right qualities to it is what everyone looks for when naming their baby. This app will make that task easy for you. 

Click here to download the app -Indian Baby Names

5) Rahu Kaal App : This software as the name suggest is to find out when the Rahu Kaal is. This will help you plans your work accordingly and avoid any unnecessary disturbances.

Click here to download the app - Rahu Kaal app

6) Hora Muhurat App : This application will give you an account of the auspicious time of the day to carry out any important work that you wish to.

Click here to download the app - Hora Muhurat App

7) Calendar 2013 App : Calendar is one thing which everyone wants handy. This application will provide you all the calendars like Hindu calendar, Muslim calendar, festive calendar etc.

Click here to download the app - Calendar 2013 App

The above mentioned are only some of the Application from our collection of Applications. Use all the apps and enjoy its amazing services, 

Click here to access our cool Android Applications - AstroSage Android Applications

Shradh: Connecting With The Departed Souls

Shradh is a time to pay homage to our forefathers, to connect with their lost soul, to make them happy and get their blessings. Here, at AstroSage your every question related to Shradh will be answered. So read on...

As Shradh rituals will begin from 20th September this year, so we have published this article to give you a brief on why, when and how it is performed. Read this and be prepared in advance to perform the ritual. Now, let’s see... 

What is Shradh ?

Shraddha is the ritual performed to worship, please and get the blessings of the departed souls of our ancestors. This is a period of sixteen days and is known as Pitru Paksha. This ritual is known by many names like Mahalaya Paksha, Apara Paksha, Jitiya, Kanagat and Sola Shraadh (16 Shradhs) to name a few. 


Click here to know the shradh days of 2013 - Shradh 2013 Dates

Significance: According to Hinduism, with the death of a person, it’s only his body which leaves the world and not his soul. The soul either obtains salvation (Moksha) or wanders the E

arth for any unfulfilled wish or is reborn in the Earth itself, all depending on the individuals Karma. During this period of Shradh, the present generation performs the rituals for their past three generations. It is also believed that when the Gods (Devas), ancestors (Pitrs) and ghosts (Pretas) are pacified, they give longevity, wisdom, health and wealth as reward. 

Why is Shradh Done?

According to Vedas, a human being is born on Earth by carrying three debts on his shoulders. 

  1. Dev-rin - debt to the God
  2. Rishi-rin - debt to the sages and Rishis
  3. Pitri-rin - debt to one's parents and forefathers

Shradh is just one of the ways in which we can repay the debts to them. In this, the third debt, Pitri-rin is why we perform Shradh, so that we can thank our ancestors for all the good fortune, love and respect they have left behind for us. Different Shradhs that are performed for different people is given below:

  1. Shradh can be performed on the 4th day (Chautha Bharani) and 5th day (Baharani Panchami) for people who passed away the previous year.
  2. Avidha Navami Shradh is performed for married women who passed away before their husbands.
  3. Matri Navami Shradh is performed for mothers.
  4. Panchami Shradh is performed for unmarried individuals.
  5. Trayodashi Shradh is performed for children who died young.
  6. Ghata Chaturdashi Shradh is performed for those who had a sudden or violent death.
  7. Mahalaya Shradh is performed for our forefathers. 

It is believed if one performs Shradh with complete devotion and faith, he will forever be blessed and guarded by his forefathers. But on the other hand, not performing it would get them the wrath of the forefathers, which can lead to many unfortunate events and he will suffer from Pitru Dosha. Not only the individuals but also his family will suffer from bad luck and the curse of the forefathers will cover them all like a black cloud of misfortune. They might face difficulties in getting married, problems in relationship, work, finance and property to name a few. So, one should take utmost care to perform the Shradh to please and make their ancestors happy. 

Click here to know the remedies for Pitru Dosha - Remedies For Pitru Dosha 

How Is Shradh Performed ?

Performing Shradh

The person who is to perform the Shradh has to first and foremost take bath, wear clean clothes (preferably white colored). This ritual is usually performed by the eldest male or eldest son in the family. During the Shradha, pinda daan is given which is an offering consisting of rice balls mixed with Ghee and black sesame seeds. Water is also offered along with the Pindas. Lord Vishnu is worshipped in the form of Darbha grass and Lord Yama is also worshipped. The prepared offering is then made to the crow which if eats the offering, reflects a good sign. The reason why crow plays an important role here is that it represents the spirit of the ancestors and also a messenger from Yama. Other things done are offering of food and donations to the food and donations to the Brahmins, as it is considered that when a Brahmin is made happy, it makes your ancestors happy. Also, the poor and needy are helped with donations. Dogs and cows are also fed. 

Auspicious events like marriage and festivals are strictly avoided during Shradh. Wearing new clothes and getting a haircut are also avoided.

Hence, Shradh is a very important ritual, which is to be followed by one and all, as it is afterall the one and only chance to get connected and show our respects for our ancestors.

Chhath Puja: Honor The Chief Solar Deity

Chhath Puja, an extrusive “Vrat” of Northern India signifies perseverance and spiritual purity. This festival is dedicated to Sun God and hence is also known as Surya Shashti. Celebrated elaborately by the people of Eastern UP, Bihar and Jharkhand; the festival is observed to worship Surya Devta to promote progress, well-being and prosperity.

The universal source of light, Surya Devta

Beej Mantra for Lord Surya

ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः ॥

"Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah

Four Days Of The Vrat

People believe that observing Chhath Vrat would fulfill their wishes and desires. The rituals Chhath Puja goes on for four days. Each day is dedicated for a different ritual.

Nahai Khai - The first day is known as Nahai Khai (Bath & Eat). Devotees take bath in Ganga and bring the Holy water to cook Prasad (offerings) at home.

Kharna– This is the second day when whole day fast is observed by the devotees. The fast ends in the evening after performing Puja and rituals. Prasad prepared comprises Kheer, Puris and bananas that are distributed among all.

Sandhya Arghya– Devotees observe fast on third day also. They prepare the offerings and keep them in bamboo tray. Offerings comprises of Thekua (dry sweet), banana, coconut and fruits.

Sandhya Arghya (evening offering) is performed at the banks of river. Devotees offer Arghya to the setting Sun.

‘Kosi’– Kosi is celebrated on the same day, at the courtyard of the house after the evening offerings. Diyas are lit and kept under the covering of sugarcane sticks (5 or 24 sticks as per the tradition).

Bihaniya Arghya – This is known as the morning offering and is the last and final event of the Chhath puja. Devotees assemble on the bank of river to offer Arghyam (offerings) to the rising Sun. After making offerings, they break their fast.

Click here for Chhath Puja Songs- Chhath Songs

A Joyous & Colourful Festival

On this festival, people wear their best clothes and sing devotional folk at home and on the river banks. Thousands of devotees gather at the banks of rivers to celebrate Chhath. They keep the Prasad in baskets made of bamboo. Pure food with salt, onion and garlic is made.

It is believed that once a family starts observing Chhath Puja, it should be continued by its following generations.

Design Your House With Vastu Principles

Vastu means blowing away all the negativity and fetching in all the positivity. It has the strength to reward success and fame at any point of life. Nothing good in life is possible if our dwelling place is not prosperous. So, let’s have a look at Vastu for home to achieve all we are lacking. Moreover, it will help to make the corrections, if needed…

Vastu Shastra Vastu not only guides in terms of construction to provide a better life and internal peace. Everyone desires for a blissful life. What can be better than implementing the magic of Vastu in our homes first!


Important guidelines about Vastu for home: 

Pre-construction: One should always perform a Bhumi Pujan before beginning the house construction, as it is considered to be an auspicious beginning and brings a good start to the proceedings. 

House entrance: The most auspicious direction for the entrance of a home is North. 

Kitchen: The kitchen should be facing South-East, which is the direction of Fire God. The person cooking in the kitchen should face the East or North direction. All items related to heat or fire should be placed or installed in the South-East corner.

Click here for more details: Kitchen Vastu For Well-being

Treasury & StrongRoom: Wealth or treasure room should be situated in the North. While keeping or retrieving cash, the individual should face toward North. 

Puja Room: North-East direction should be reserved for constructing the Puja room and Puja should be performed facing the East. One should never sleep in Puja room.

Bedroom: The main bedroom of the house should be located in the South-West. The bed should be placed in such a way that the head stays toward the East while sleeping. Sleeping with legs toward the South is not considered good. Moreover, the divine idols should not be kept in the bedroom.

Click here for more details: Bedroom Vastu

Dining Hall: Dining Room should face the West. West is ruled by Saturn and is in the way of Bhooteshwara, the symbolic representation of the hungry. 

Bathroom & Toilet: The bathroom should be situated in the North-East and toilet should be in South. If it is not possible to build toilet in South then you can shift it little to South-West. 

You may also like to read: Vastu For Kitchen & Bathroom

Study or Children's Room: Children's room and study room, both can be located in the North-West, West and South-West. 

Doors: The Main-Gate of the house should have two panels and the direction should be North-East. The total number of doors, windows and ventilators should be even in number but should not end with a ‘zero’. The front door frame should not be painted black and cracked or old doors should be replaced.

Click here for more details:  
  1. Vastu Door & Position
  2. Vastu Doors & Roads

Staircase: The staircase should ascend clockwise and should be in South-West. The steps of the stairs leading to the entrance of home should not be cracked.

Interiors: Light colors should be used for painting the house and bright colors should be avoided. For the decoration of house, paintings depicting war, owl, pigeon, crow and sad faces should not be used.

You may also like to read:  
  1. 6 Important Principles Of Vastu
  2. Construction Of Temples In Vastu Shastra
  3. Farm House or Cattle Sheds In Vastu Shastra
  4. Vastu For Plot
  5. Central Pillar For Remedies 
  6. Angles Of The Sites, Veedhi Soolas & Related Problems  
  7. Vastu For Prosperity
  8. Vastu Principles Of 8 Rulers 
  9. Office Vastu 
  10. Vastu For House Shape 
  11. Bedroom Vastu
  12. Vastu Measurements
  13. Vastu Tips For Home
  14. General Vastu Rules For Home
If you want to go in detailed study of Vastu Shastra, then you would love thislink - Vastu E-book

The Most Fearsome and Respected Deity: Shani

Shani Deva is scaring people since long. But, nobody knows that they are afraid of a myth. Are you going through a Sade Sati and getting depressed thinking planet Saturn (Shani Deva) is busy creating problems for you? Then, you are absolutely wrong. Read this article to know how Shani (Saturn) decides your fate...

Shani, the Lord of Saturday

“There is none who gives so much as Shani and none who ruins as much as Shani.” - according to an old Tamil proverb. 

Shani: The Evil Destroyer 

Shani is considered as the most feared, problematic and respected Lord. The deity is also known as Shaneeshwara, Pingala, Shanaishchara, Souri, Konastha and Manda. He is the son of Surya and Chhaya, sibling of Yama (God of Death) & Yamuna and married to Sati. Shani has a dark appearance with black clothes and sits on eagle with a shining gold crown. 

Shani Mantra 

“Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah”

The Astrological Effects Of ‘Shani’ 

Shani is also known as 'Shanaishchara', meaning the slow mover. He passes through a sign for approximately 2.5 years; therefore he takes around 30 years to pass through the complete zodiac.

Maha Dasha (major period) of Shani lasts for 19 years. When Shani transits through 12th, 1st, and 2nd house from the natal moon, then it is known as Sade Sati as it lasts for 7.5 years. It is believed that Shani Dev is a great devotee of Krishna and therefore, he does not harm the devotees of Lord Krishna (especially on Saturdays). 

The ‘Malefic Side’ Of Shani 

Malefic effects of Shani results in:
  1. Slowdown of the matters, obstructions and delays. 
  2. Separation from parents, friends or spouse. 
  3. Chronic diseases

Saturn’s (Shani) malefic effects can be pacified by following certain remedies. Click here to find them - Saturn Remedies

The ‘Benefic Side’ Of Shani

Benefic effects of Shani favors with:
  1. Longevity
  2. Wealth and Fortune
  3. Wisdom and in-depth knowledge

Shani’s Effects In Different Houses 

(1st House): The natives enjoy long and noble life. They are economical and succeed in their initiatives. Also, they begin any work only after a detailed study; but they are stubborn in some matters. Due to the presence of Shani (Saturn) in 1st house, the natives remain unsatisfied in their achievements.

(2nd House): The natives are argumentative and live an irregular life. They marry early and in some cases marry twice. They are not too much educated and are addicted liquor.

(3rd House): The natives are friendly short tempered, atheist but, enjoy a luxurious life. In their lifetime, they are benefited by their siblings.

(4th House): Shani in 4th house from the Lagna causes trouble to the mother of the natives. Stomach troubles are possible for the natives and they have a wavering mind.

(5th House): Saturn in 5th house signifies is not favorable for the father, daughter and son of the natives. They are easily prone to quarrels with the government.

(6th House): Shani in this house brings fame and success for the natives in one or the other field. They face nervous weakness and lack of energy. Mental trouble is also possible due to frequent borrowing.

(7th House): Saturn in 7th house causes spouse-related problems. They are interested in traveling and have chances of marrying twice.

(8th House): The natives have a long life but, deal with sufferings throughout their life. Failure in work or enterprises are also possible. 

(9th House): Saturn 9th house signifies risk to native’s father. They are frequently prone to accidents and suffer from poverty in early youth. 

(10th House): The natives have a religious mind and perform religious acts judiciously. They are associated with iron industry and undertake frequent tours.

(11th House): Saturn in 11th house signifies high intelligence and wisdom. The natives have long life and enjoy comforts and luxuries. They reach the top position in life.

(12th House): Politeness and ability to handle every problem results when Saturn is in 12th house. The natives have a spendthrift nature which creates problems for them. 

Click here to know more about Shani: Saturn - A Mysterious Planet In Astrology

Use Vastu To Make Your Home A Wealth Magnet!

‘Vastu Shastra’ is the only tool that can gratify your desire of getting wealthy. Are you really looking out to bring some more wealth in your treasure box? You should definitely go with this time honored and universal remedy adopted by billions! 

Vastu Shastra to attract wealth

Money is an essential part of our lives. Anxiety, hopelessness and tension, which have become a part of our daily life can be abridged with financial consistency. So, to magnetize more wealth, adopt the below mentioned vastu tips. These measures can actually lend you a hand in transforming a sinking business into a lucrative one. The key source of prosperity and flourishing wealth totally depends on the north-east corner of the house, as according to the Hindu ethics, it is considered as the corner of God. 

You may also like to read: Find Your Potential To Become Rich!

10 Vastu Tips To Become Wealthy

  1. Keeping fish aquariums is good to attract more wealth and prosperity. The aquarium should have healthy and active fishes. It is believed that constant movement of fishes regulates positive flow of energy which in turn is very good for financial gains .Water inside the aquarium should be clean and aerated.
  2. Entrance to the home toward the end of a long corridor, fetches negativity and financial loss. In such case, keeping a plant halfway down the corridor can reduce the negative effects. 
  3. The color of the front door should be distinctive. Coloring it differently from the neighboring walls is very auspicious in attracting wealth. 
  4. Windows should be kept neat and bright, as dirt on the glass of window restricts the flow of money. 
  5. Placing pebbles, decorative gravels or curved pathways around the building. This increases the flow of financial energy in the business suffering from continuous loss. 
  6. To control the expenses that are going beyond control, keeping grains or live plants in the toilet is very helpful. If your expenses are spiraling beyond control, keep live plants or grains in the toilet. It is believed that doing this saves the money from going down the drain. 
  7. Keep a mirror in such a manner that it reflects the locker or cash; hence doubling the opportunities and wealth. 
  8. North wall is the ideal location for keeping the jewelry and important papers as well as valuables, as it is believed to bring good fortune. North is the direction of Kubera, the Lord of wealth. It is more beneficial if your worship place is close to the North direction. The North direction is considered to be a protection for the assets of the house owner.

    Installing Kuber Yantra at home may make Lord Kubera overwhelmed. Hence, it will enhance your financial situation. Click here to buy Kubera Yantra - Buy Kubera Yantra Here
  9. The color ‘Purple’ represents wealth. To gain financial profits, keeping a purple-colored plant in the southeast corner is considered beneficial. Growing money plant in a purple colored pot; and place it in the northeast corner of the drawing room or office is also very fruitful.
  10. Drainage pipes should be fitted in north or east area of residence, office or factory. 

Vastu is one of the best ways to improve your financial status without putting much efforts. It is like one time investment of time and energy to adjust your valuables according to the tips mentioned above, and you are on the right path to become wealthy. Following these simple tips will not only help you in pleasing Lord Kubera, but will also increase your wealth within a short span of time. Well being and prosperity chases those who live in structures that attract positive cosmic forces.

As soon as you will follow the above mentioned tips and start getting benefits, you may also start getting indications about upcoming wealth via dreams. In order to help you decode the auspicious signs that may come at night, we would like to introduce you with one of our most read articles - 30 Dreams To Make You Rich!

Welcome Winter With Astrology

Welcome to AstroSage’s Weekly Newsletter. The cold breeze has entered your city. Quilts and sweatshirts are coming out. Mesmerizing foggy environment is calm, bringing peace all around.

Winter WelcomeYes, we are talking about winter. As this season comes along the Holy Hindu month of Kartika, it is also auspicious. Hence, the welcome of winter season should be grand. Apart from this, the sudden arrival of chilly wind sometimes makes us cold giving some seasonal diseases. So, in this newsletter, we will talk about all the important events of the week along with some significant services of AstroSage that may come handy in going through the initial stage of this changed season.

Occult Healings Demystified

Occult HealingsAs we are focusing on health right now, we would like to introduce you with our healing section that contains information about some healing therapies. In order to keep you updated, we keep on improving our content and adding new significant articles to the website. So, stay tuned to AstroSage for updated information.

Click here to reach AstroSage’s healing section: Healing

Yoga For Better Lifestyle

Yoga Now, we would also like to introduce you with our Yoga section, where you can find some amazing articles on the unraveled secrets of Yoga. Click here: Yoga

Also, we would like to mention some complementary articles of AstroSage.

Rudraksha: Shiva’s Blessing For Better Health

Rudraksha Rudraksha is the bead that is originally a seed that comes out of a fruit. It is the holiest seed ever, which is also used to create rosaries for chanting powerful mantras. Wearing Rudraksha may solve many problems. Generally, it is considered quite useful for curing diseases. Rudraksha come in various forms. Most of them are available at AstroSage’s AstroShop.

You may also like to check this - Rudraksha Mala

Amongst all, Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is considered as one of the most health benefic Rudraksha. You may read more about it on AstroSage or may ask an expert. 

The Health Expert Astrologer

Health Expert AstrologerAstroSage is blessed with some proficient astrologers who have good command over their expertise. Some are good at finance related issues, some predict about career, some are the expert of share market and some deals in health sector. So, click below mentioned button to reach AstroSage’s health expert astrologers.

Enough about health, let’s move on to the important events of the week.

Important Dates This Week

12 November - Kansa Vadh
13 November - Devuthan ekadashi
14 November - Tulsi vivah
16 November - Vrischika Sankranti, Sun Transit in Scorpio
17 November - Kartik Purnima

It seems that the week is full of Holy events. You are getting ample of chances to please the Almighty for fetching blessings. Let’s now see what your stars tell about this week. Find your weekly horoscope below:

Horoscope 2014

Now, we would like to introduce you with our new update for the year 2014. Horoscopes for the year 2014 are now available at AstroSage. Now, read your horoscopes in various languages. All you need is just to reach AstroSage.com. In order to ease you, we are offering you the links of most desired horoscopes.

Apart from Vedic Astrology, we have also done Chinese Astrology for you. Click here to read your Chinese Horoscope: Chinese Horoscope 2014

So, this was all we had for you this week. Stay tuned to AstroSage. We will keep on updating you with most of the informative stuff related to our domain. Utilize the best of our services and stay blessed!

Kapalbhati Pranayama: A Complete Body Cleansing Technique

Cleanse and tone up your respiratory system by releasing toxins and waste matter by adopting an internal purification Kriya (practice), named as ‘Kapalbhati Pranayama’. It refreshes and rejuvenates the mind and body and is considered as one of the most practiced breathing exercise around the globe. 

Kapalbhati Pranayama Method


  1. Sit in a cross legged posture with spine comfortably erected. If needed, use a back rest, but no head rest. Doing the kriya facing east offers extra benefits. Keep your hands upon your thighs with your palms facing upwards, with your face slightly upturned. Keep your thumb tips and index finger in contact. 
  2. Inhale deeply through nose, expanding your abdomen.
  3. Now, exhale with great force to contract your abdominal muscles to the maximum.
  4. Make sure, while exhaling, air is pushed out of the lungs contracting the diaphragm.
  5. Inhale again, this time without any effort. For this, relax your lungs and they will automatically expand by the air inside. 
  6. A single cycle of Kapalabhati Pranayama includes deep inhalation, forceful exhalation followed by an effortless inhalation.
  7. Once you get comfortable with this internal body cleansing Kriya, perform it with more force if possible, increasing the number of repetitions.

To Learn more about Kapalbhati Pranayam for weight loss, follow this link - Kapalbhati Pranayama In Yoga

When to practice?

Kapalabhati must be practiced with an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after a meal. It is your own choice whether you want to practice it as a stand-alone or combine it with other Yoga Kriyas like different Asanas or meditation. People who find it difficult to sit down on the floor, can perform it on a chair.

Kapalbhati Pranayama Benefits 

  1. Treats common cold, asthma and improves respiratory disorders. Oxygen holding capacity of lungs increases and oxygen & carbon-dioxide exchange is facilitated.
  2. Has a positive effect on the functioning of nervous system by enhancing the functioning of brain cells.
  3. Maintains the blood pressure and keeps a check on blood pumping rate of the heart.
  4. Reduces the chances of heart problems such as heart attack and heart stroke.
  5. Provides a natural cure for diabetes, sinus, obesity, constipation and even hair loss.
  6. Cures mental and emotional problems by unlocking blockages by means of providing emotional satisfaction and mental peace. 
  7. Brings radiance and glow to the body.
  8. Makes skin healthy and beautiful by purifying blood. 
  9. Works as a great pain reliever and also provides relief from muscular and skeletal pain.
  10. Improves the body posture and enhances flexibility of joints. 

IMPORTANT: Avoid practicing Kapalbhati Pranayam in the following health conditions 

a) Heart disease
b) Hernia
c) High blood pressure
d) If dizziness or pain is experienced, practice it with less force.

Click the given link and learn more about the benefits of deep breathing exercises to bring a positive change in your life! - Deep Breathing Exercises & Their Benefits

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (11.11.2013)

Stock market predictions for 11.11.2013.
Planets position on 11th November 2013 at 09:15am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Sun sextiles Mars and trines Jupiter. Mars sextiles Jupiter. Moon trines Mercury and sextiles Venus. Mars sextiles Jupiter.


Day: Monday 
Tithi: Shukla Navami 
Nakshatra: Shatabhisha 
Yoga: Dhruva
Karana: Balava / Kaulava

Bull’s day today ! Buying in Power, Media, electrical goods and electronics sector will be seen .

Persons having Virgo and Capricorn moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.

Disclaimer: The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

Rudraksha: The Holiest Bead To Reach Almighty

Rudraksha seeds are considered as the holiest beads among all. In this article, we have gathered the information on all the Rudraksha seeds that are available for mankind. The seeds of Rudraksha are a part of Lord Shiva, as they emerged out from a single drop of His tears. 

Now, let's know in detail about each Holy Rudraksha:

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha: Strengthens The Bond Of Relationships

Gauri Shankar RudrakshaGauri Shankar Rudraksha is represented by two naturally joined Rudraksha. Wearing Gauri Shankar Rudraksha enhances love and harmony between husband and wife and strengthens the bond of their married life. Carrying this miraculous Rudraksha helps the businessman in expanding their business and bringing overall development. This Rudraksha brings love, prosperity, fortune, wealth and peace in life.

To buy it online, click here - Gauri Shankar Rudraksha 

Ek Mukhi / One faced Rudraksha: Provides Mental Peace & Sharpens Memory

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is the most sacred form of Rudraksha. It is ruled by the planet Sun; therefore the Mantra ‘Om Namaha Shivaya, Om Hreem Namaha’ should be chanted while wearing it. Possession of this Rudraksha provides mental peace and sharpens the memory. Worldly comforts, good luck, happiness and victory over enemies, all are associated with this Rudraksha. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is helpful for the attainment of salvation (Moksha).

To buy it online, click here - Ek Mukhi Rudraksha 

Do Mukhi / Two faced Rudraksha: Brings Peace In Domestic Life 

Arthanareshwar i.e. united form of Shiva and Parvati are represented by Do Mukhi Rudraksha. The mystical powers of this Rudraksha carry the occult and endowment of the cosmos. Carrying Do Mukhi Rudraksha wards off the malefic effects of Moon and brings peace in domestic life. Possessing this form of Rudraksha is a boon for the people suffering from fluid imbalance and troubles related to left eye. Mantra for this Rudraksha is "Om Namah Shaktih Namah".

To buy it online, click here - Do Mukhi Rudraksha

Teen Mukhi / Three faced Rudraksha: Cures Stress, Loneliness, Depression & Nervousness

Depression, stress, nervousness and loneliness all can be conquered with the possession of Teen Mukhi Rudraksha. The magical power of this Rudraksha purifies the soul of its possessor and abolishes the sins committed by him. For the professionals of real estate or sports, wearing this Rudraksha results in guaranteed success. Teen Mukhi Rudraksha has showed successful results for the people with Mangal Dosha. Chanting ‘'Om Kleem Namah’ while wearing this Rudraksha increases the benefits further.

To buy it online, click here - Teen Mukhi Rudraksha

Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha: Cures The Speech Related Problems 

Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha is very effective against the speech related problems and also blesses its wearer with the ability of thinking originally. For the pursuers of knowledge, such as - scholars, students, scientists and computer professionals; wearing this Rudraksha is very beneficial. While wearing Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha, one must chant 'Om Hreem Namah'. Natives affected by the malefic effects of Jupiter should wear this Rudraksha to reduce the effects. 

To buy it online, click here - Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha 

Panch Mukhi: Helps In Financial Gain 

Possessing Panch Mukhi Rudraksha is very good for material gain and exploring numerous financial opportunities. Individuals facing debts, bankruptcy, burden of loans or any other financial crunches should wear Panch Mukhi Rudraksha. Failure can be easily transformed into success in minimum time with this Rudraksha. As it is associated with the planet Mars; the Mantra for this Rudraksha is,'Om Hreem Namah'. 

To buy it online, click here - Panch Mukhi Rudraksha

Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha: Cures The Effects Of Mars (Mangal)

One must possess Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha to pacify the malefic effects of Mars or Mangal. It is very helpful in warding off the consequences of planet Venus. Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha cures diseases related to sexual organs. For the people involved in lot of socializing and public appearances, carrying this Rudraksha is very fruitful.

To buy it online, click here - Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha

Saat Mukhi: Provides Power, Luck, Fortune & Wealth

What else could be better than wearing a Saat Mukhi Rudraksha, the representation of Goddess Lakshmi! Wear this Rudraksha and be blessed with fortune, wealth, luck and power. Saat Mukhi Rudraksha is worth wearing by the people involved in business or surviving under financial loss. The most preferred day to wear Saat Mukhi Rudraksh is Monday. The Mantra for this Rudraksh is 'Om Hoom Namaha’. 

To buy it online, click here - Saat Mukhi Rudraksha 

Aath Mukhi: Helps In Achieving Expected Results

Wearing Aath Mukhi Rudraksha is very beneficial to get the expected results. Wearer of Aath Mukhi Rudraksha lives a long life and is honest and truthful. This Rudraksha is very favourable for the students and explores their talents in studies by enhancing their concentration power. It is highly beneficial for the businessmen. Chant ‘Om Ganeshaya Namah’ and wear this Rudraksha on Monday.

To buy it online, click here - Aath Mukhi Rudraksha 

Nau Mukhi: Provides Hormonal Balance, Spiritual Gain, Physical Strength & Mental Satisfaction

Nau Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of energy and courage. Possessing this Rudraksha regulates hormonal function of the body, physical strength, spiritual gain, mental satisfaction and improvement in communication skills. Wear this Rudraksha to deal with fever, bowel pain, eye problems, body ache and skin diseases. Most auspicious day for wearing Nau Mukhi Rudraksha is Monday with the Mantra, ‘Om Hreem Hum Namah’.

To buy it online, click here- Nau Mukhi Rudraksha

Dus Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With Success

Dus Mukhi Rudraksha is very powerful for pacifying the nine planets. This Rudraksha is believed to fulfill all the desires. It blesses its wearer with success and helps in attaining spiritualism. While wearing Dus Mukhi one should chant the mantra, ‘Shree Narayanaaye Shree’ Most auspicious day for possessing it is Sunday.

To buy it online, click here - Dus Mukhi Rudraksha

Gyara Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With Success, Wisdom, Knowledge, Courage & Confidence 

Gyara Mukhi Rudraksha brings qualities of courage, confidence and adventure. This Rudraksha blesses the wearer with knowledge, wisdom, success, and justice. Gyara Mukhi Rudraksha has the powers of the seven deities; therefore it is highly powerful. This Rudraksha should be worn on Monday while chanting ‘Om Shree Rudray Namah Om Hreem Hum Namah’.

To buy it online, click here - Gyara Mukhi Rudraksha

Baarah Mukhi: Bestows The Wearer With Name, Fame & Self-development

Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha is very helpful for the people who are into administrative job. This should be worn by businessmen, politicians and those who want to get name-fame .Wearing a Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha bestows with name, fame and self development. The day for wearing this Rudraksha is Monday. 

To buy it online, click here - Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha

Terah Mukhi: Provides Luxuries, Comforts & Material Pleasures

Terah Mukhi Rudraksha brings true love and fulfills all worldly desires. For the pursuers of occult science and attainment of spirituality, wearing Terah Mukhi is extremely helpful. Material pleasures, comforts and luxuries all are possible with this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha is not available easily. Monday is the auspicious day to wear this Rudraksha and the Mantra for this is, ‘Om Hreem Namaha’.

To buy it online, click here - Terah Mukhi Rudraksha

Chaudah Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With The Power To Predict Future Possibilities

Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha has devine properties. Wear this form of Rudraksha and awaken your sixth sense by strengthening Ajna Chakra. Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha blesses the wearer with the power to predict the future possibilities. It is very effective for the people involved in business, politics, senior positions. Ideal day to wear this Rudraksha is Monday and its Mantra is, 'Om Namah'.

To buy it online, click here - Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha

Pandrah Mukhi: Makes The Wearer Capable To Achieve High Degree Of Spirituality & Economical Progress 

With the possession of Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha, the mind channelizes in the right direction with complete determination. The wearer achieves high degree of spirituality and economical progress. Mind becomes alert, sharp and concentration power increases. Eternal wealth and fortune follows the wearer of this Rudraksha. According to the Vedic Texts, Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha is very helpful in curing skin problems, chronic health issues and repeated miscarriage. 

To buy it online, click here - Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha

Solah Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With Victory

It is said that one who wears Solah Mukhi Rudraksha, becomes a devotee of the Almighty and follows the path of Truth (Satya). He attains Punyas of the 7 births and becomes fearless. Victory touches his feet and negative energies and vibes stay away from him. This Rudraksha is capable of restoring back the lost fame and name. Wearing Solah Mukhi Rudraksha has shown wonders in curing serious ailments like Leprosy, Lung diseases and Tuberculosis.

To buy it online, click here - Solah Mukhi Rudraksha

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha: Cures Complications Related To Pregnancy 

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha as the name indicates, is used as an astrological remedy against complications related to pregnancy. This form of Rudraksha represents Lord Ganesh and Maa Parvati and blesses a woman with a healthy child. It also signifies cordial relation between mother and her child. Garbh Gauri Rudraksha maintains the harmony in domestic life and keeps the family together. Mantra for Garbh Gauri Rudraksha is ‘Om Garbh Gauriye Namah’. 

To buy it online, click here- Garbh Gauri Rudraksha

Rudraksha Mala: Cures Various Diseases & Helps In Accomplishment Of Pending Tasks

If legends are to believed, then Rudraksha is made of the tears of Lord Shiva’s fierce Avatar, Rudra. Depending on the number of faces that Rudraksha bead possess, it contains the spiritual, magical and medicinal properties.. Practicing prayers for Lord Shiva with possession of Rudraksha is considered very fruitful. Wearing Rudraksha Mala is very ideal for the accomplishment of pending tasks and treatment of a number of diseases.

To buy it online, click here - Rudraksha mala

So, this was all we had for the Rudraksha seeds that are easily available. Stay tuned to AstroSage for much such interesting stuff.

Jadi: The Roots To Reach Planets' Hearts

Jadi (The Plant Root) is a substitute of expensive gemstones in astrology. Jadi is used to pacify the malefic effects of planets. In this modern era, purchasing precious stones is not everybody’s cup of tea. Read on this article to know more about these powerful Jadis that are easily available with us at prices you can surely afford. 

Jadi, the root

When it comes to please our planets and their Lords, we often rely on mantras, gemstones, and a lot more we think would help us. Though the used sources vary from individual to individual, yet the aim is same - ‘to solve our problems, resistance against diseases and earn financial profits’. Let’s understand the role of some very popular jadis.


Anantmool jadi
Botanical name: Hemidesmus

The Jadi Anantmool, is associated with the planet Mars. This Jadi has the divine properties of strengthening the benefic effects of Mars and also to reduce the negative effects it has. It should be wrapped in a red-coloured cloth and tied on the right arm. Best day to wear Anantmool is Tuesday. 

मंगल मन्त्र :"ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः॥"

Mars Mantra:“Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaaya Namah||”

Effective against: Skin and liver disorders, constipation, blind piles

To buy this powerful Jadi online, please click here - Anantmool


Botanical name: Winthania Somnifera 

The planet Ketu represents Ashwagandha Jadi. This Jadi has the mystical powers to increase the positive aspects of Ketu and decreasing its negative aspects as well. Ashwagandha should be tied on the right arm after wrapping it in the blue colored cloth.

केतु मन्त्र :"ॐ स्त्रां स्त्रीं स्त्रौं सः केतवे नमः॥"

Ketu Mantra: “Om Straam Streem Straum Sah Ketavey Namah||”

Effective against: Smallpox, urinary tract infections and skin problems are the result of ill effects of Ketu. All these problems can be overcomed with the help of Ashwagandha Jadi.

Click here to purchase Ashwagandha Jadi online - Ashwagandha Mool


Botanical name: Ricinus Communes

This jadi is associated with Shukra (Venus). Nullifying the ill effects caused by Venus is very easy with this powerful jadi. Also, it increases the positive effects of the planet.

शुक्र मन्त्र :"ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः॥"

Shukra Mantra:“Om Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraaye Namah||”

Effective against: Cough, delirium, bronchial disorder and Asthma can be easily dealt with Arandmool. 

Place your order to buy this mystical Jadi here - Arand Mool


Botanical name: Aegle Marmelos

Surya Dev (Lord Sun) represents the Jadi Belmool. It can be successfully used to reduce the negative effects caused by Sun. To extract the best out of this Jadi, it should be wrapped in a pink cloth and tied on the upper part of the right arm. Belmool jadi should be worn on Sunday. 

सूर्य मन्त्र :"ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः॥"

Surya Mantra: “Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah||”

Effective against: Indigestion, fatigue and disorders of spine and heart. 

To buy this Jadi, click here - Belmool

Vidhara Mool

Vidhara mool
Botanical name: Argyreia Speciosa

This jadi is associated with the planet Mercury. Vidhara Mool is very helpful for the people facing the negative effects of Mercury. Not only it will reduce the negative traits, but also increase its positive effects. To wear this Jadi, one should wrap it in green colored cloth and tie it on the right arm while worshipping Maa Durga. Wednesday is the ideal day to wear Vidhara Mool.

बुध मन्त्र : "ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः॥"

Budh Mantra: “Om Braam Breem Braum Sah Budhaya Namah||”

Effective against: Nervous disorders, blood pressure, ulcer and acidity. 

Click here to buy this powerful Jadi, which has the positive features of Mercury - Vidhara Mool

Dhature ki Jad

Dhature ki jad
Botanical name: Datura Wrightii

Shani (Saturn) is associated with ‘Dhature Ki Jadi’. To decrease the negative effects of Shani and gain all its positivity, wearing this Jadi could be of great use. Hence, to decrease the ill effects and to increase the positive effects of Shani, ‘Dhature Ki Jad’ is used.

शनि मन्त्र : "ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः॥"

Shani Mantra:“Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanayeshcharaaye Namah||”

Effective against: Rheumatism, Neurosis, excretory disorders. 

Click here to buy this powerful Jadi, which has the powers of Shani - Dhature Ki Jad

You may also like to read: The Truth Of Lord Saturn

Khirni Ki jad

Khirni ki jad
Botanical name: Manilkara hexandra

Chandrama (Moon) is associated with this Jadi. The wearer of this Jadi gains the positive effects of Moon and gets rid of its ill effects. It should be worn on Monday on the right arm after wrapping in a white colored cloth.

चन्द्रमा मंत्र: ‘’ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चन्द्रमसे नमः॥’’

Moon Mantra:“Om Shraam Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramasey Namah||”

Effective against: Jaundice

Haldi Ki Ganth

Haldi ki ganth
Botanical name: Curcuma longa

Haldi Ki Gaanth is associated with the planet Jupiter. To reduce the malefic effects of Jupiter, one should wear this Jadi on the right arm on Thursday. 

ब्रिहस्पति मंत्र: “ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे नमः॥”

Jupiter Mantra:“Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurvey Namah||”

Effective against: Liver disorder, sprains, chicken pox, allergy and gastrointestinal disorders.

Safed Chandan

Safed chandan
Botanical name: Santalum album 

Safed Chandal (White Sandalwood) is associated with shadowy planet Rahu. Natives suffering from the negative effects of Rahu should wear Safed Chandan Jadi to overcome its ill effects. 

राहु मंत्र:"ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः॥"

Rahu Mantra:“Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Sah Raahavey Namah||”

Effective against: Genito-urinary disorders, skin diseases, gastric irritability, dysentery and fever.

So, this was all we had on the effects of Jadis in astrology. We would like to know your feedback on our articles. So, keep on posting comment to help us improve. Stay tuned to AstroSagefor more such interesting stuff. We will keep on sharing information on astrology principles. Utilize the best of them and make your life even more blissful.

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (12.11.2013)

Stock market predictions for 12.11.2013.
Planets position on 12th November 2013 at 09:15 am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Mercury opposite Ketu . Sun sextiles Mars ,trines Jupiter & Conjoins Saturn .Mars opposite Moon & Sextiles Jupiter 


Day: Tuesday
Tithi : Shukla Dashami
Nakshatra : P.BhadrapadaYoga
Yoga: Vyaghata
Karana : Gara

Bull’s will control the direction of the trend but selling in banking , insurance , gold and exports sectors will be observed .

Persons having Capricorn and Virgo moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits .

Disclaimer: The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

Jupiter Has Retrograded: Find Effects On You

On 7th November, Jupiter has undergone retrogression and will remain the same till 7th March, 2014. Probability of the possible events along with predictions for each zodiac sign have been made. These predictions are based on the Moon sign. Read the article mentioned below to know the effects associated with this retrogression. 

Largest planet of the Solar System:Jupiter

Jupiter has undergone retrogression on 7th November and will remain like that till 7th March 2014. On 7th March, it will turn direct. In this reverse sojourn, Jupiter will remain in Gemini but will travel back till 16 degrees in star of Rahu. This phenomenon will be interesting to watch as retrograde planets offer very interesting results sometimes. People who have been waiting to get their things done will find it very easy to get them, and contrarily some will be having difficulties until Jupiter becomes direct. We are going to have polls of assembly elections in this time and preparation will be on full swing for the Lok Sabha elections when it turns direct. This is certainly going to affect the voters and results, as Jupiter rules over 8th and 11th house of the chart of Independent India. 8th house is the prime house for obstacles, death, obstruction etc. and also for hidden gains. Jupiter is posited in the 6th house in the natal chart of India creating a Vipreet Rajyoga for the nation. 

India will go through Maha dasha of Sun till 10-9-2015 and the Antara of Mercury will be operating till 5-5-2014. By this time, Lok Sabha elections could be over according to some sources. However, Jupiter will be getting direct in March itself. The opinion polls for assembly elections are showing new results as each day is passing by; every channel is coming up with its own analysis without disclosing the benchmarks on which its results are based. Therefore, there is no point in trusting them or watching them. We have seen them to be correct and wrong equally and they are just a waste of time. We will never know what goes behind the curtains until we have the actual results in the Month of December 2013. What I feel is, results are going to abide by the results of some of the opinion polls as they have shown everything to happen. Hence, there is nothing left which cannot happen and after the results, those with near correct figures will waste another 2-3 days in showing that they were correct. Rest will show other news as usual.

Jupiter is not coming in the Maha Dasha and Antara at the time of elections, so its effect is not going to be much. But on the whole, it is a planet with more importance than Mercury in mundane astrology. Its aspects itself are worthy of making the changes. It is assumed that retrograde planets aspect not only from the house they are posited, but from the house before the actual house also; thus giving it 6 aspects instead of regular 3 which are 5,7 & 9.

The results of elections will be surprising indeed, because of the media coverage, social media, and overall awareness of the voters at large. BJP is going to be ahead in MP, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan could be hung and Delhi will see AAP as the kingmaker or new head of the state.

The effect of various nativities will also be there but only to those who are passing through the Mahadasha, Antara or Pratyantar of Jupiter or, if their dasha Lords are somehow connected with Jupiter by way of star or sub. The timing of good or bad events will differ from person to person. People will see that suddenly their blocked works have started progress and yielding results. Some people will find that the money due to them is stuck due to absence of related personnel and will be gained only after Jupiter turns direct. 

People suffering from long term disease will suffer further and medication will prove to be less effective to them. Religious gurus and educational institutes will also suffer and so will court cases. Legal matters will be delayed and signed contracts will not be able to fructify in stipulated time limit. Business activities will also see a general setback including share market and speculative activities. People may lose money in speculation. Plans of new purchases will be delayed or obstructed because of lack of funds.

1) Aries: There will be financial gains, stability in personal life and health will improve. You may gain weight due to junk foods. There will be increase in expenditure due to purchase of new things. Long travels are indicated and your parents may go on a pilgrimage.

2) Taurus: Overall good period, there will be not much to worry about. But health should be kept under check as there could be some serious disease. Relations with people will improve and new understanding will be there for you.

3) Gemini: There will be good progress in professional and personal front. There may be renovation in your home. You may change your job. Spouse may leave for some time.

4) Cancer: Gains from legal matters will be delayed; luck may become unfavorable for some time, but will improve later. You may commit mistakes in decisions related to finance. Servants may give trouble and health will become an issue to be considered.

5) Leo: There could be miscarriage in coming months; speculation will not be much useful and fruitful. There will be unexpected gains other than from speculation. This will not be much troublesome for you.

6) Virgo: This will be good for you overall. There will be prosperity and progress professionally, after 1-2 months. There could be sad news in the family. Your temperament will be good and positive.

7) Libra: You will be the most affected from this, as this will delay your plans of all kind. There will be lesser satisfaction from work also. You may lose in legal matters so better delay them. You will be making silly mistakes in day to day communications with friends and family. Your relations with maternal relatives may suffer.

8) Scorpio: Finance will improve and expenses will increase. Offsprings will not perform good in studies. There will be peace in personal life. There could be conflicts with people of authority, but the magnitude will not be much.

9) Sagittarius: Your willpower will reduce, you will want to delay things and will become lazy. You will have stressed relations with other persons, but they will improve after sometime. Overall, this will not be a satisfactory period for you.

10) Capricorn: You will have good time as there will be gains, win over foes and other good things. You may take several short journeys also, but you will not be able to check expenses. Professional front will also be a bit unsatisfactory. Still you will have good time till Jupiter is retrograde.

11) Aquarius: There will be sudden gains, you may get your due money earlier than expected. But the gains will not be up to what you had expected. You will see that things are getting delayed and are making you frustrated. However, it will get better after some time when Jupiter will go back in rahu’s constellation.

12) Pisces: You are prone to sickness, your professional work may not be rewarding for the time being. There will be extra pressure which you will not like. Personal life will become better for some time. This will not be a bad time overall, so there is not much to think about.

By Acharya Raman

Nadi: The Most Significant Match Making Factor

Nadi matching is an important factor for the harmonious survival of the treasured and cherished bond, marriage. Correct match blesses the couple with all the boons of a good marriage and healthy children, whereas a mismatch could lead to unhappy married life. Read this article to know more about the facts and myths associated with it. 

Nadi Matching

Nadi matching is considered very important for matchmaking. Amongst 36 points of Kundali matching, it is consisted of 8 points. Naadi match is for physical compatibility between the boy and the girl for their happy married life and also for progeny matters. It is considered, if the boy and girl are of same Nadi then there will be problems between their compatibility after marriage and childbirth. If the boy and girl have same Nadi then they are of same Prakriti. As per Ayurveda, there are 3 Prakritis of human body, Vata, Pitta & Kapha that are equivalent to 3 types of Nadi namely, Adi, Madhya and Antya.

You may also like to read: What Is Nadi Astrology?

It is believed that we should not marry the person with same Prakriti. For example, in science, we see genetic disorders, weakness in children of same family of animals like lions and cheetah, to name a few. In Astrology, people of same Nadi are not advised to get married as they are considered of same Prakriti. The 3 types of Nadis are divided in 27 Nakshatras. These are:

1. Adi Nadi: People born in Ashwani, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshta, Moola, Satabisha and Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatras, come under Adi Nadi.

2. Madhya Nadi: People born in Bharani, Mrigasira, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Purvashadha, Dhanshika and Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatras, come under Madhya Nadi.

3. Antya Nadi: People born in Kritika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttarashadha, Sravana and Revati Nakshatra, come under Antya Nadi .

But, it does not mean that people with same Nadi (as per Nakshatra) cannot marry each other or they will have problem in their marriage. Nadi Dosha gets canceled in this condition - if both male and female are born in the same Nakshatra, but their Charana/Pada of Nakshatra is different. So, here Nadi Dosha gets canceled.

Though we have come to know that main reason behind Nadi matching is for the sustainability of the marriage and progeny matters; however, good Nadi matching points are not necessarily the guarantee of both these things. Therefore, this is not good to reject a good match on the basis of Nadi Dosha. For harmony in the marriage, we need to analyze both the horoscopes in complete detail as follows:

1. Malefic and benefic aspects/effects on the 5th house.
2. Malefic and benefic aspects/effects on the 5th house lord.
3. Status of Jupiter, Mars and Venus as, these planets are responsible for children and progeny matters.
4. Analysis of 2nd, 5th and 7th houses.
5. Analysis of all the related sub-divisional charts like Navamsa D-9 and Samtmsa D-7.

So, don’t be confused, get your horoscope reading in detail; and astrological remedies may help you with problems. Surety is always better than uncertainty.

For complete details on importance of Nadi matching for marriage, click here - Nadi Dosha & Match Making

By Mrityunjai Ojha

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (13.11.2013)

Stock market predictions for 13.11.2013.
Planets position on 11th November 2013 at 09:15am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Sun sextiles Mars, trines Jupiter & conjoins Saturn. Mars sextiles Jupiter. Venus sextiles Rahu. Saturn sextiles Mars and trines Jupiter.


Day: Wednesday
Thithi: Shukla Ekadasi
Nakshatra: U.Bhadra
Yoga: Harsana
Karan: Visti

 The market will be indecisive but positive momentum will be seen in cements, infrastructure, Coal, oil & gas sectors.  

Persons having Libra and Aquarius moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.

Disclaimer: The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

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