Narendra Modi’s victory in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections has surpassed the records of past many years. We were just listening in the news that the wave of NaMo has come. But, the results have proved that it is actually the Modi Tsunami. Let’s see what Pt. Hanumman Mishra says about this grand victory of BJP.
BJP has broken all the records in 2014 Indian General Elections. The poll result was getting up one-by-one unexpectedly. Such an amazing contest it was. Nobody had expected such results.
Yes, BJP’s victory was expected. But, the poll results have gone out of everyone’s imagination. Indeed, Narendra Modi deserved this victory, but something must have done by stars too.
Even the leaders of NDA were not accepting such a thumping victory. They were saying that they would get somewhere from 295 to 305. As we know that Saturn shows justice and common people, and Saturn is exalted. Therefore, people will be empowered by this election. Saturn is also retrograde and it shows that people were in mood of giving decisive mandate. Saturn is posited in Jupiter’s star, so the mandate was inclined toward a party that would be more nationalist.
Jupiter is posited in airy sign of Mercury, in its own star and in the sub of Saturn. Therefore, a wave was evident from these planetary positions. Rahu is conjoining Saturn and in Mars' star make people in want of change and transformation. It also indicates toward a result that was not expected.
The huge effort from Narendra Modi, his numerous rallies and visit throughout India benefitted him a lot. He managed to create trust among the masses about his personality and intentions. That trust resulted in his victory. As, now he will become the next Prime Minister of India, let’s hope that he will give a progressive model to our country, which helps in getting the desired position globally.