The Netherlands Vs Sri Lanka 19th T20 prediction is now available at AstroSage. Astro-Numerology tells the name of the winning team. Both the teams will battle it out for the title, let’s see who wins.
The ICC World 20-20/ 2014 has begun in Bangladesh. There are many teams contesting and this is fifth world 20-20 series. We will see many exciting, hilarious and sad moments in here. I will try to find out the winner with my astro-numerology and would like that readers should take it as pure entertainment and academically and should not base any of their decisions on it. The prize money is 3 million dollars. It is a huge amount and all will try to grab the trophy for their respective country. Let us begin:
Netherlands Vs Sri Lanka, 19th T20
March 24, 2014, Chittagong (Bangladesh)
Favorite team: Sri Lanka
Time for prediction: 9:21:00
Date: 23-3-2014
Place: Bangladesh
Ascendant Lord: VENUS: 9
Moon Star lord: MERCURY: 9
Moon Sign lord: MARS: 9
Day Lord: SUN: 5
WINNER: Our total is 1 so remainder will be 1 thus the winner will be SRI LANKA.