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My Habit Of Exploring, Made Me An Astrologer: MS Kondal

AstroSage is once again back with an interview of an expert astrologer. Today, we will talk to our expert astrologer ‘MS Kondal’. He holds expertise in fields such as, career, marriage, corporate astrology, Lal Kitab, education, health, and gemstones. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s begin...

Astrologer MS Kondal’s interview is now here to enlighten you about the mysteries of astrology.

1. How did you get interested in astrology initially? What made you come into the field of astrology as a profession?
Being an engineer I had the tendency to know about how things work, what makes them running, what makes them stop and how to correct them. All this was in my blood and due to this fact, I had the feeling to understand human nature. I wanted to know how they differ even if they are twins and born on the same time. Why do they go into different professions? Why they behave differently? In nutshell, you can say my habit of exploring, made me an astrologer.
I excelled in astrology and Vastu by gaining experience from learned personalities. I gained practical experience by observations and by keeping track of my cases, which I kept on learning day and night. All this added to my experience and I started getting recognition among the masses of my city. Thereafter, internet came and it also helped. The best part was my articles in the newspapers. Also, my regular programmes on vastu and astrology on Doordarshan Tv channel and DD Punjabi proved very helpful. Most of them were live programmes which gave me recognition. Due to all these reasons, I opted for astrology as a profession.
2. What astrological system do you use and why?
I have learnt almost all the branches of astrology, because once the word astrologer is attached to your name, you should be able to predict in any way. There is a lot of difference between a Pandit and an astrologer. Gone through with the Parashar system, Krishnamurti Paddhati, numerology, Samudrik palm reading, Nadi astrology, Vastu, feng shui, Lal Kitab and many other branches of astrology and its allied subjects; I practice Lal Kitab system of astrology. I am still doing research on Lal Kitab astrology and its principles. This is a very unique system of astrology and is applicable to masses in many ways. Any lay man can do the remedies himself as they are easily affordable. Also, there are certain remedies which can be done even with household items. Therefore, there is no need to go for expensive remedies, as these remedies are very effective. However, one should know how to apply the rules of Lal Kitab astrology to find the remedy and the way to apply it. 
3. Any incident related to astrology in your life or your prediction, which created impact and that you want to share with our readers?
Actually, there are many incidents which have impact on my mind, related to astrology. But, there is an incident, which I still remember. Once a widow came to me via reference from Doordarshan centre, where she had gone to report about her child who was missing since last 45 days. There, someone told her to come to me for help. She came to me with 2-3 people and cried for her child and asked me, whether her son was alive or not. Further, she asked whether she will get her child back or not? I was moved by her tears. I prayed to the almighty and made a chart. Then, I told her the whole incident that had happened with her child during the last 45 days and how he disappeared. I also told her where he was. I gave her some remedies and told her how to use them. I assured that her child will be back on the date confirmed by me. I also told her that the moment he comes back, she must bring him to me. I still remember, it was 11 am in the morning, when my wife told me that around 40-50 people are coming to our house. She asked me for the reason, but I was also clueless. I got curious that what had happened and why they are coming to my house. I came out to meet them and saw a young boy standing in front of me. 5 people were standing with sweets in their hands; the lady who came to me few days back was also there. She told her son to get ashirwaad from me, and then she thanked me along with her neighbours in such a way that I can’t forget. I was moved by the situation, as she was a widow and he was her only son. That lady used to earn money by making chapatis on tandoor and had a rehri. Every neighbour of her thanked me and said that they are very nice people and I have helped them and therefore, god will bless me. It is a very very long story and if any one want to know, they can listen it from me. That boy told me the whole story that happened to him and how he came back. It was the same thing which I told her mother few days in advance, in the presence of her well wishers. This is the height of astrology. One feels really blessed and happy when he comes to know that almighty has chosen him for his work of kindness. So, this inspired me to help the needy people again and again in many ways. I can never forget this incident in my life.
4. What are your suggestions for budding astrologers or for those who’re interested in this subject?
What I am seeing these days is that people are becoming copy cats. They try to collect things, data, and remedies from internet and start business of astrology. This is not at all good; because without knowing the root cause, we can’t apply any remedy. If applied, it will act reverse on both the persons, i.e. the person doing the remedy and the other person who is getting it. I have seen families of astrologers being wiped out along with astrologers. So, the first thing I would like to say is to stop following such practices.
Everything in this world needs to be studied properly. After that only you should practice it. In this way, you will come across your own queries and practical experiences. Theoretical and practical are two different things and one needs to master both to become a master in any subject. So, make things practical by doing them and by understanding the theory behind. Every science is complete in itself and it’s us who sometimes take some bites from one subject and some bites from other and mix them all. Try to master one subject at a time.
5. According to you, which are the best astrology books that one should read?
According to me, people who want to learn astrology, should read Bhartiya Jyotish by Nem Chand Shastri, for studying Parashar system.
And the persons who want to learn Lal Kitab astrology, should go for all the authentic Lal Kitab books by Pandit ‘Roop Chand Joshi Ji’, the originator of Lal Kitab ideology. You will also find books printed by Pandit ‘Beni Madhav Goswami’, Lal Kitab Gutka by ‘Yograj Prabhakar’. I would suggest to read these books, as they have the same materials like the original ones. They should avoid reading guide books, as they misguide. I have seen that people are only after remedies, because they get no time to read the whole book. But, if you want to become a learned person, then you should read and practice honestly. 
6. What would you like to say to the users of AstroSage.com?
I would like to congratulate people for having such a wonderful site, which provides everything related to astrology. Here, everything is explained in a precise and detailed way. This is the site, which takes care of its customers by solving their queries and by taking their feedbacks. Customer satisfaction is the prime motto of the site and it provides honest and affordable solutions to the customers. I myself feel proud to be a part of it by giving my services to the people worldwide.
So, this was how and when astrologer MS Kondal entered into the field of astrology. We hope, this interview has inspired you to know more about astrology.

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