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The Oath Of Kejriwal: Fate Of AAP

Arvind Kejriwal Astrology
Arvind Kejriwal has taken the oath as new CM of Delhi on December 28, 2013. However, his intentions are not restricted to the welfare of Delhiites. It seems that he is targeting to change the face of Indian politics. However, let’s concentrate on his fate with Delhi now. See what Astrology says about the future of Mr. Kejriwal as well as AAP.

As the Kundali (birth-chart) of a native is created according to the birth-time; similarly, every thing on this Earth has a birth-chart according to the time and date of its initiation. Arvind Kejriwal took an oath as the Chief Minister of Delhi on December 28, 2013 at 12 pm. Let’s analyze the chart of that time and know the fate of AAP. 

AAP Astrology Prediction

While Arvind Kejriwal was taking oath; Pisces ascendant, Libra sign and Virgo’s Navamsa was rising. Dual ascendant, movable sign and dual Navamsa are not good for this time. Hence, stability is not foreseen in any case. Also, ascendant-lord is retrograded along with dual ign; it is also not indicating stability. However, good thing here is positioning of ascendant-lord as well as tenth-lord, Jupiter is in its own constellation, which is giving favorable indications. Though these indications are pointing toward some troubles; but at the same time are also indicating formation of government. It means that he will form the government somehow. Let’s find out how he will fare with handling government.

For this we will discuss about ascendant, tenth and Moon. Ascendant-lord and tenth-lord, Jupiter are posited in fourth house, in the sign of Mercury; and Mercury in this chart is quite malefic. Not only this, it is situated with Sun (Lord of sixth house) in tenth house. Thus, enmity is seen from all ends. His opponents i.e. Congress & BJP won’t let him work properly. In his tenth house, there are two planets - Mercury & Sun. According to me, here Congress is playing the part of Mercury. Because, Mercury is the Badhak (hindrance creator) along with being the enemy of ascendant-lord & tenth-lord, he is creating Dwikendradhipati Dosha. As Congress is giving so-called support, but trying to judge and trouble AAP in reality; similar signals are being catched from Mercury. Hence, Congress should be considered by Mercury from this chart. This party can make AAP go fanatic because Mercury signifies mind and afflicted Mercury may disturb mental balance.

BJP here seems to be playing the role of Sun. Sun in this chart is the sixth-lord i.e. opposition and is situated in tenth house. Tenth house is also affected by many other planets. Sun & Mercury are situated in tenth and Mars, Saturn & Jupiter are aspecting there. Since, Rahu is with Saturn, it will act as Saturn only. It means that we cannot ignore its influence in tenth house.

Moon is stuck in Vish Yoga and Grahan Yoga. Moon in eighth house is also not considered favorable. Therefore, BJP & so-called supporter Congress won’t let AAP work well. This is evident that team AAP will try to work whole-heartedly, but chances of success seem feeble. Due to the aspect of tenth-lord on tenth house, he may make good plans sometimes; but hindrances will be experienced while executing them. There is a strong possibility that some of his steps may bring him disgrace. Feeling of remorse may arise. The time between 15th June, 2014 to 20th November, 2014 is not favorable for Kejriwal’s government. During this period, he will find it very difficult to run the government. Also, it is highly possible that during this time government may fall down and has to leave the seat in remorse. 

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