AstroSage Astrology App is now available for iPhone & iPad users for FREE. We are delighted to introduce you with the first ever Astrology App for Apple users by AstroSage. AstroSage Astrology App is ready to become yours at iTunes; grab it!
AstroSage Astrology iTune App - ‘Kundli Software’ is our treat for all our sincere AstroSage followers who have been waiting for our Astrology Apps to be made available for Apple.
One of the AstroSage’s most popular and widely used app, ‘Kundli Software’ is out for grabs at iTunes store. Download the app and enjoy its features to the fullest for FREE!
Features of Kundli Software
- Detailed Kundli description (Kundali/ Birth Chart/ Personalized Horoscope)
- Multiple predictions & reports (Daily/ Monthly/ life)
- Parashari Astrology (Shodashvarga, Vimshottari Dasha, Ashtakvarga etc.)
- KP System (Krishnamurti Paddhati - Horary, Significator)
- Lal Kitab
- Large city database
- In Sync with AstroSage Cloud and AstroSage Kundli all the time: Save chart in AstroSage Cloud
- Horoscope Matching: Vedic Kundli Matching (Love Compatibility & Marriage Compatibility) based on 36 Points System
- Mangal Dosha/ Kuja Dosha report
- Shani Sade Sati report for whole life
All these amazing features are available in 2 languages - English & Hindi.
Our FREE Kundli Software for Apple is like a golden ticket for all Astrology lovers, as iTunes is mostly filled with paid softwares and apps.
So, why wait? Grab your phone and download the ‘Kundli Software App’ right away and claim the title of being the first few!
Click here to kick start -Kundli Software
All you have to do is
- Login
- Enter the user details
- Choose from the list of categories available and get your desired predictions
Below available screenshots will give you some assistance to start off.
We hope, this would be a useful piece of information for all our Apple users. As AstroSage Astrology App is available for FREE at iTunes store, there is no harm installing it once for a trial to your iPhone or iPad. Utilize the best of this Freeware & experience the magic of Astrology!