On 7th November, Jupiter has undergone retrogression and will remain the same till 7th March, 2014. Probability of the possible events along with predictions for each zodiac sign have been made. These predictions are based on the Moon sign. Read the article mentioned below to know the effects associated with this retrogression.
Jupiter has undergone retrogression on 7th November and will remain like that till 7th March 2014. On 7th March, it will turn direct. In this reverse sojourn, Jupiter will remain in Gemini but will travel back till 16 degrees in star of Rahu. This phenomenon will be interesting to watch as retrograde planets offer very interesting results sometimes. People who have been waiting to get their things done will find it very easy to get them, and contrarily some will be having difficulties until Jupiter becomes direct. We are going to have polls of assembly elections in this time and preparation will be on full swing for the Lok Sabha elections when it turns direct. This is certainly going to affect the voters and results, as Jupiter rules over 8th and 11th house of the chart of Independent India. 8th house is the prime house for obstacles, death, obstruction etc. and also for hidden gains. Jupiter is posited in the 6th house in the natal chart of India creating a Vipreet Rajyoga for the nation.
India will go through Maha dasha of Sun till 10-9-2015 and the Antara of Mercury will be operating till 5-5-2014. By this time, Lok Sabha elections could be over according to some sources. However, Jupiter will be getting direct in March itself. The opinion polls for assembly elections are showing new results as each day is passing by; every channel is coming up with its own analysis without disclosing the benchmarks on which its results are based. Therefore, there is no point in trusting them or watching them. We have seen them to be correct and wrong equally and they are just a waste of time. We will never know what goes behind the curtains until we have the actual results in the Month of December 2013. What I feel is, results are going to abide by the results of some of the opinion polls as they have shown everything to happen. Hence, there is nothing left which cannot happen and after the results, those with near correct figures will waste another 2-3 days in showing that they were correct. Rest will show other news as usual.
Jupiter is not coming in the Maha Dasha and Antara at the time of elections, so its effect is not going to be much. But on the whole, it is a planet with more importance than Mercury in mundane astrology. Its aspects itself are worthy of making the changes. It is assumed that retrograde planets aspect not only from the house they are posited, but from the house before the actual house also; thus giving it 6 aspects instead of regular 3 which are 5,7 & 9.
The results of elections will be surprising indeed, because of the media coverage, social media, and overall awareness of the voters at large. BJP is going to be ahead in MP, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan could be hung and Delhi will see AAP as the kingmaker or new head of the state.
The effect of various nativities will also be there but only to those who are passing through the Mahadasha, Antara or Pratyantar of Jupiter or, if their dasha Lords are somehow connected with Jupiter by way of star or sub. The timing of good or bad events will differ from person to person. People will see that suddenly their blocked works have started progress and yielding results. Some people will find that the money due to them is stuck due to absence of related personnel and will be gained only after Jupiter turns direct.
People suffering from long term disease will suffer further and medication will prove to be less effective to them. Religious gurus and educational institutes will also suffer and so will court cases. Legal matters will be delayed and signed contracts will not be able to fructify in stipulated time limit. Business activities will also see a general setback including share market and speculative activities. People may lose money in speculation. Plans of new purchases will be delayed or obstructed because of lack of funds.
1) Aries: There will be financial gains, stability in personal life and health will improve. You may gain weight due to junk foods. There will be increase in expenditure due to purchase of new things. Long travels are indicated and your parents may go on a pilgrimage.
2) Taurus: Overall good period, there will be not much to worry about. But health should be kept under check as there could be some serious disease. Relations with people will improve and new understanding will be there for you.
3) Gemini: There will be good progress in professional and personal front. There may be renovation in your home. You may change your job. Spouse may leave for some time.
4) Cancer: Gains from legal matters will be delayed; luck may become unfavorable for some time, but will improve later. You may commit mistakes in decisions related to finance. Servants may give trouble and health will become an issue to be considered.
5) Leo: There could be miscarriage in coming months; speculation will not be much useful and fruitful. There will be unexpected gains other than from speculation. This will not be much troublesome for you.
6) Virgo: This will be good for you overall. There will be prosperity and progress professionally, after 1-2 months. There could be sad news in the family. Your temperament will be good and positive.
7) Libra: You will be the most affected from this, as this will delay your plans of all kind. There will be lesser satisfaction from work also. You may lose in legal matters so better delay them. You will be making silly mistakes in day to day communications with friends and family. Your relations with maternal relatives may suffer.
8) Scorpio: Finance will improve and expenses will increase. Offsprings will not perform good in studies. There will be peace in personal life. There could be conflicts with people of authority, but the magnitude will not be much.
9) Sagittarius: Your willpower will reduce, you will want to delay things and will become lazy. You will have stressed relations with other persons, but they will improve after sometime. Overall, this will not be a satisfactory period for you.
10) Capricorn: You will have good time as there will be gains, win over foes and other good things. You may take several short journeys also, but you will not be able to check expenses. Professional front will also be a bit unsatisfactory. Still you will have good time till Jupiter is retrograde.
11) Aquarius: There will be sudden gains, you may get your due money earlier than expected. But the gains will not be up to what you had expected. You will see that things are getting delayed and are making you frustrated. However, it will get better after some time when Jupiter will go back in rahu’s constellation.
12) Pisces: You are prone to sickness, your professional work may not be rewarding for the time being. There will be extra pressure which you will not like. Personal life will become better for some time. This will not be a bad time overall, so there is not much to think about.
By Acharya Raman
By Acharya Raman