By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
हिन्दी में पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
‘NaMo’ ‘NaMo’ is the talk of the town. Some are busy praising him in music videos while others are making these songs their ringtones. Some are even thinking about making a movie on his life. Well it is not so hard to guess that we are talking about none other than BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate “Narendra Modi”; and all this while he is having a Dasha (period) of Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node) in Moon. the Dasha of Moon in Rahu or Rahu in Moon is not considered very fruitful. However, Narendra Modi seems to be an exception to all the rules.
हिन्दी में पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
‘NaMo’ ‘NaMo’ is the talk of the town. Some are busy praising him in music videos while others are making these songs their ringtones. Some are even thinking about making a movie on his life. Well it is not so hard to guess that we are talking about none other than BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate “Narendra Modi”; and all this while he is having a Dasha (period) of Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node) in Moon. the Dasha of Moon in Rahu or Rahu in Moon is not considered very fruitful. However, Narendra Modi seems to be an exception to all the rules.
Born under the Aries sign and Navamsa Cancer, Narendra Modi is projected as the next Prime Minister of the country. How easy or difficult will the road to Delhi be? It is yet to be known. Let’s see what the stars have to say about the whole scenario.
The Dasha of Rahu in Moon gives mental stress, enmity, dullness and low performance at work. However, there are exceptions to every rule. So we cannot imply this rule on every situation. In Narendra Modi’s Kundli (birth chart), the Moon is debilitated and is in the constellation of Saturn. Saturn is in the 10th house. Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node) is also in Jupiter sign and constellation of Saturn. Therefore, there is a strong influence of the 10th house here. This will give his life a new twist. Though this Dasha is not very fruitful for others, but it is really great for Narendra Modi.
Let’s now discuss the yearly horoscope. The yearly Kundli is based on the numbers of Sun. on September 17, 2013, at 2:24:15 PM, the Sun will exactly be at the same degree at which Narendra Modi was born. At that time, Sagittarius ascendant, Virgo Navamsa and Taurus Dasamsa are rising. Sagittarius is in the 2nd house in Modi’s Kundli, while Virgo is in the 11th house. At the same time, Taurus is in the 7th house. The 2nd house represents financial strength, 11th house is the house of gain and 7th house represents position. Therefore, the yearly horoscope looks in the favor of Narendra Modi.
Year Lord Mercury, is in the 11th house, which is currently in the numbers of Mool Trikon. Had it been of the exalted numbers, the path for Modi would have been much easier. Due to its degree of 18-19, it comes under the Mool Trikon, which makes the path difficult. Still this Dasha will eventually help Modi to succeed.
Muntha is in the 3rd house, which indicates victory and fame. However, Muntha is in the Saturn’s sign Aquarius, which indicates that the path will be full of obstacles. Lord of Muntha is in the 11th house indicates gain and success.
To conclude, it can be said that Narendra Modi has given a new lease of life and a sense of direction to his party. We can see fresh political equations and dimensions with Narendra Modi’s entry into national politics. Still, only hard work and a better planning is required to reach the pinnacle. The goal is high and the path is tough. The stars seem to in his favor. Will he be able to keep up with such high expectations? Only time will tell.