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Mercury Transit in Taurus, Read Its Effects

Mercury Transit in Taurus will make your luck shine! Read its effects.

Along with being the smallest planet in the Solar System, Mercury is the nearest to the Sun. it is considered to be an influential planet in Vedic Astrology, and signifies logical reasoning, communication skills, travel, writing etc. On the other hand in Kaal Purush Kundali, this planet governs the Gemini and Virgo zodiac sign. It remains in its exalted state in Virgo, whereas Pisces is known to be its debilitation sign. Unlike other planets who remain strong either in the day or at night, Mercury remains strong all throughout the day and night, due to which, its importance increases.

Mercury’s Placement in A Kundli & Its Effects

As per Vedic Astrology, Mercury is said to be the significator as well as a provider of knowledge and intellect. It represents knowledge, wisdom, wittiness and happy-go-lucky attitude in a native. Being a neutral planet, it offers results according to its placement with other planets, i.e. auspicious results if posited with benefic planets and inauspicious results in case placed with cruel planets. Mercury is associated with communication and symbolizes areas related to finances, commerce, business, accounting, banking, mobile, networking, computer etc. A strong Mercury in a native’s kundli offers him success in these areas. Also, such natives possess a strong mind, and are understanding. But on the opposite, they can suffer from anxiety and uncertainty at times.

Gemstone - Rudraksha To Avoid Unfavourable Effects of Mercury

One must wear Green Emerald to strengthen the placement of Mercury in one’s kundli. It has been observed that wearing this eliminates the unfavourable effects of Mercury, and the native attains positive results. Talking about the rudraksha, a native must wear Char Mukhi Rudraksha to get rid of the Mercury’s malefic effects. 

Time of Transit

Mercury has transited in Taurus zodiac sign on 18 May, 2019, Saturday around 23:25 PM in the night, and will remain posited there until 2 June, 2019, 00:08 AM early in the morning. Let’s read its effects on all the signs, but before going ahead, know its national and global impact:

  • Mercury’s Impact on Lok Sabha Elections Results

The result of Lok Sabha Elections 2019 will be out on 23rd May. Hence, the transit of Mercury, the benefactor of knowledge, communication, networking, and travelling; in Taurus will majorly impact the election results. These elections are significant for national and regional parties, as the outcome will decide the next Prime Minister of the country. Hence, this transit can bring forward positive results for BJP.

  • Health Troubles Due To Mercury Transit

When Mercury, the ruling lord of the third house, conjuncts with Saturn in the fourth house, and gets aspected or in conjunction with ascendant lord Moon, Rahu or Ketu, then the possibility of the native suffering from air-borne diseases such as Asthma increases. Hence, all the natives suffering from any respiratory ailments may go through a hard time in this duration.

  • Which Sector Will Get Positively Affected?

Whenever Mercury from Virgo or Leo sign conjuncts or aspects with the Lagna or First House Lord, Second House Lord, Fifth House Lord, Ninth House Lord or the Tenth House Lord along with Jupiter, then the banking sector, education sector and film industry will earn a lot of money.

  • Mercury Transit on Buddha Purnima Forms Raj Yoga

Vaishakh Purnima holds high importance in Hinduism. Donations and religious deeds are carried out on this day. It is also called as the Satya Vinayak Purnima. On this day itself, the 23rd incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lord Buddha was born, which is why followers of Buddhism celebrate this day with fervour and devotion. Mercury transiting on this day has formed Raj Yoga in the lives of the natives who are fasting on this auspicious day.

Let’s read the effects of this transit on your zodiac sign:

This prediction is based on your Moon Sign. Click Here to find out yours.


Mercury will transit in the second house of your zodiac sign which is also known as the family or possessions house. Due to this transit, you will notice a positive improvement in your speaking skills and you will charm your peers with the help of speaking skills. In this duration, you will find it easy…...Read Now


Mercury is making its transit in your zodiac sign which means that, it will remain posited in the ascendent house, i.e. the first house, in your birth chart. Therefore, as a result of this transit, a special attraction will become a part of your personality. You will leave an impression on people with your…...Read Now


Mercury is making its transit in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, also known as the expenditure house, as per Vedic Astrology. This transit may bring with it, chances of a trip overseas for some of you. Mercury’s presence in the 12th house indicates that your expenditures may increase and unnecessary…...Read Now


Mercury will take house in your eleventh house during its transitory motion. This transit is bringing with it, prospects of financial gains for you. Your sources of income will increase and any money that you lent may come back to you, in this duration. Profits are probable from foreign relations and…...Read Now


This Mercury transit in your tenth house will reward you in the form of intelligence. You will receive professional success. You will become the talk of the town because of your great deeds and your seniors at work will remain in your favour. You will stand the test of time if you are associated…...Read Now


The transit of Mercury will take place in your ninth house which is considered to be the house of luck in the realm of astrology. Therefore, fate will be on your side and your luck will favor you as you obtain success in your field. However, do not primarily depend on your luck and trust on your hard work…...Read Now


Mercury will be transiting in the eighth house of your zodiac sign. In the realm of Vedic astrology, this house is also known as our longevity house. It is advised that you work with caution during this time as some of you may come across some sudden financial loss. Follow the traffic rules while driving…...Read Now


Mercury will transit in the seventh house of your zodiac sign. According to astrology, the seventh house also known as the marriage house is the determiner of one’s married life, spouse, and partners in other fields of life. In this duration, because of your usage of foul language, you may end up fighting with your…...Read Now


Mercury will make its transit in the sixth house of your zodiac sign which is also considered to be the determiner of one’s enemies in Vedic Astrology. This transit may affect the health of your partner in a negative manner, therefore, you need to take proper care of their…...Read Now


Mercury will make its transit from the ascendent house to the fifth house of your zodiac sign and bring along an increase in your wisdom with it. Some Capricorn natives may change locations in order to pursue higher education during this time. Student natives who wish to…...Read Now


The transit of Mercury will take place in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, also known as your house of happiness. This transit will bring with it, sudden economic gains and an increase in your happiness and amenities. On the other hand, rigorous hard work will be required on your part to achieve…...Read Now


As Mercury transits in your third house you will become more determined towards your goals. The third house is also known as the house of Valor or Courage. Your communication skills will get refined and as a result, you will be successful in leaving a mark on your peers…...Read Now

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