Your life in 2018 will be full of surprises! Mercury, being an auspicious planet and one of the factors for high intellect, speech, excelled vocational skills and so on, will be making a transit in Sagittarius sign on 6 January, 2018 around 08:01 PM and will remain until January 28, 2018. Lets see how well and worst its effects will be in the new year.
Predictions are based on Moon sign. Find yours: MOON SIGN CALCULATOR
During this transit period, you might face hindrances in your work, but withstanding those may set you free from all the obstacles. Read more...
During this transit period, probable chances of childbirth is presaged. Attaining success in one’s undertakings and endeavors is foreseen.Read more...
During this transit period, a dullness might persist on your face and lack of confidence would prevail. Moreover, you would be pretty devoted to your spouse. Read more...
How to make 2018 better? Get kundli based horoscope predictions and find the answer: 2018 Trikal Samhita
During this transit period, you would be praised and commended by all. With the onset of this transit, you would display a sense of hard and smart work. Becoming renowned and famous is foreseen. Read more...
During this transit period, you might learn new things and you would possess a zeal to grasp every bit of knowledge. Read more...
During this transit period, you might have multiple gains from miscellaneous sources. An increase in your family members is foreseen probably due to the visit of relatives to your house. Read more...
What does stars have for you in 2018? Read to know: Horoscope 2018
During this transit period, you might go away from your home as a result of your own bad karma. Your opponents might supersede you and a decline in the favors from the government is presaged. Read more...
During this transit period, you would experience multiple gains and success in your undertakings. Accumulation of wealth is also presaged. Read more...
During this transit period, you might face hurdles in journeys and expeditions. Loss of wealth is presaged due to the wrong suggestions of wicked people around you. Read more...
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During this transit period, you might face health issues and distress in your married life. You might experience a loss in respect or status due to your enemies and opponents. Read more...
During this transit period, you would have monetary gains. Moreover, you would enjoy comforts with your spouse and children. Read more...
During this transit period, you would have an upper hand over your opponents. You would enjoy good monetary gains in the course of this transit period. Read more...