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Weekly Horoscope 2016 (July 18- July 24)

Wanna sneak peak into the future? Scroll down your fingers on the below predictions and make plans accordingly. Read our weekly horoscope for 2016 and make an end on all your curiosities. 

Here, we present Weekly Horoscope 2016

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon Sign Calculator


A week has begun with some relaxation. Stressful situations this week will not bound you. This week, you will be able to spend more time with family members. Your behavior will remain good towards the family. This week you might attract someone of your opposite sex. There are chances of purchasing a new laptop or phone which will make you busy surfing net. 

Love Predictions: Arians, this week will prove to be good for you in matters related to love. Maintaining purity in a relationship will help you stay in good terms in the relationship. Visiting a temple in the starting of this week will provide you with a new light in your relationships. During mid-week, maintain a balance between your work and love life for a healthy and happy mind.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid being arrogant or egoistic.


This week will be a mix of ups & downs. An outing might be planned by you and your friends with work pressure alongside. A task might be assigned to you which might become hectic. Healthwise, a minor headache might put you in trouble. A phase of an emotional turmoil might be observe. Students are expected to give wonderful performance in exams. 

Love Predictions: “Love is not a mode for entertainment, if the purity and trust is gone from the relationship, it is not love”. Keeping this in mind will prove to be good for you. The starting of this week will be good, but mid-week might be tiring and might drain your energy. At the end of this week, you will regain your lost energy and love matters will fall into place.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Be positive towards life.


A happiness will enter through your doors, you might welcome a new member in the family. Couples who also want to receive the blessing of having a child, time is good. Chances are high that their wishes might get fulfilled. This week you can even apply for a loan and can make investments. Profits will enter in your life this week with lots of beneficial deals. 

Love Predictions: Geminis, this week will be suitable for you in terms of love, but be careful as a neighbor might be keeping a watch on you. There is a possibility of being insulted if decency is not maintained by you. However, the starting days of this week will be comfortable for you specially if you are married. But decency should be maintained during mid-week. This will give you mixed but suitable results by the end of this week.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: To achieve success follow the right way.


Time is good for Cancerians if they are seeking for a new job offers. Among family members disputes on the matters of dissatisfaction might arise. You are required to put your extra efficiency of doing things and should do a lot of hard work to achieve success. Especially, the students to achieve the desired marks. 

Love Predictions: Cancerians, this week will bring sweetness in matters of love but stay away from unpleasant conversations. Along with that, be careful from sudden anger and anger which is present without any reason. If this is done from the starting of the week, it will prove to be healthy for your love life. Mid-week is also suitable for you. A marriage proposal is possible towards the end of the week, but you have to be attentive and careful as well.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Take a GPS along while driving.


Lions, this the correct time to put all your energy and move towards a good path. Maintain distance from unethical ways of receiving success. You are also required to behave respectfully at office and at home, control your anger. Students are recommended to improve the way of studying. Lastly, avoid having junk food. 

Love Predictions: Overall, this week will be a suitable week for you Lions. The possibility of falling in love with someone of a different social status is there this week and a student might like someone at their institutional place. The initial few days will be helpful for you in terms of love. During mid-week, matters related to work will get better if you keep your ego aside. This week will have mixed results for you. Be careful with the feelings of the other person and also be careful about decency.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Think properly before taking any decision.


This week has arrived giving away the profitable results. Your sense of humour, dressing style & communication skills will attract many people. Virgonians, if going on an interview desired results will be gained. Chances of purchasing a property or a new vehicle are there. Avoid having excess of sweet products. 

Love Predictions: Overall this week will prove favorable to you in matters of love. If your planetary conjunctions are in favor of marriage, the chances of receiving marriage proposals will increase this week. If you want to propose to someone, this time might be helpful for you. Meet at your own house or your friends house during the initial days of the week. Mid-week will be suitable, while the end of the week might bring some ups and downs in love.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva.


This week a good health will be maintained. Also, you will feel relaxed after the recovery from chronic illness. An expense is likely to be occur on the decoration of a house. It is advisable to control them. office goers income will remain constant whereas businessmen are likely to get a high amount of income of deals. An outing might be planned this week. 

Love Predictions: Librans, this week will be good for you in love matters. However, in the matters of love with a neighbour might bring some objectionable situations.In the initial days of the week, if there a plan of going to a waterfall, you should go as well. Mid-week will also be favorable but there is a possibility of feeling low in you or your partner. The end of the week will cover up for the mid-week low mood.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid useless expenses.


Scorpions, you might go on a pilgrimage. Due to which your interest in religious activities will go up. A wonderful performance is expected by you Scorpions at the professional front. But, no need to worry; your efficiency will do wonders. You can even be taken into a consideration for promotions. The message for you this week is to carry medicines while going out.

Love Predictions: Scorpions, this week will be favorable for you, however keep a check on your anger and libido during this week. During the initial days of this, talk to people in a sweet manner and go to restaurant and treat yourself with good food. A movie during the mid-week is a must. If you want, you can pay attention to work towards the end of this week and it will be alright if you are not able to give as much time to love during this time.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Do charity as per your ability.


This week you will improve in your speech and writing skills. You might renovate your house this week. This week is with full focus you can experiment in business as week is very favorable for you. If talking about health issues, illness related to eyes and stomach are possible. So, an extra care is required.

Love Predictions: Overall this week will bring mixed results in matters related to love. If you are not able to meet your loved one, a phone would do but your tone should be full of love and sweetness. During the start of the week, do not let your feeling take control of you and don’t do anything wrong in the flow of those feelings. Mid-week will be good, while the end of the week might show you some mixed results.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worshipping Lord Shiva will help.


This week a lovable bond will be celebrated with a soul mate. A vacation is likely to be planned with them. With all this, a good news is; you will also be rewarded with lots financial benefits. Chances of an add on in income from a new source might be developed. As, time is good; you can experiment in business.

Love Predictions: This week promises you to bring in mixed results. If you are able to take out time for you love along with work, the results will be positive. However, the initial days of the week might be unfavorable. Mid-week seems to bring in positivity. The end of the week will be of mixed results. It will be better to avoid arguments and instead entertain people.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform charity as per your abilities.


The week might give you an experience of some stressed out situations. It is advised to take care of your health. Avoid applying for loans and making investments. Aquarians, who are involved in business might face loss in the office. With a little delay, happiness will be obtained, just focus on your inner self peace. Take care of your family specially the old members in the house. 

Love Predictions: This week will give you mixed results. Take special care of your health during this time and avoided getting irritated. The start of the week will be a good one, and thus enjoy the feeling of love. There will be less opportunities to stay together during mid-week, but the end of the week will be better. You might get overwhelmed at the end of the week, but do not let your feelings take over.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Do not spend money unnecessarily. 


This time a change in look and style might be observed. As, the week is in favor for pisceans who are involved in the work which requires physical activities. You might get bored of your house interior and might go for renovation. An expense might occur due the demand of children in the house, to purchase a vehicle or on electronic gadgets. The week will be fully hectic schedules at work. 

Love Predictions: Pisceans, this week seems to bring in positivity for you. Marriage proposals are possible in this time. If you want to propose to someone, it can be done during this time. The starting of the week will be positive for you. Mid-week will be full of fun and enjoyment. During the end of the week, if you get a chance to meet your loved ones, meet them and enjoy yourself and do not waste time in arguments.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Before trusting know all the in's and out's of that person.

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

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