Mars has transited into Taurus on May 4, 2015. After residing here till June 16, 2015, it will transit to Gemini on the very same day. Taurus is an earthy element plus a fixed sign. Discover your future possibilities during this transit period through this horoscope.
Refrain from conflicts and have good connections with your family members. Stay alert from opponents. Read more
Unnecessary trips, expenses and ill health of spouse are possible. Working dedicatedly will bring rewarding results. Read more
Your expenses might increase. Success will surely knock your door, if you put your best foot forward.Read more
Quite a good time when profits will keep on approaching you. Get ready to rule over your enemies. Read more
Keep your temper in control and things will go great at workfront. Don’t stress your back, as backache is very much possible.Read more
Stay conscious regarding your image. Luck might not prove that supportive. Journeys might not prove fruitful.Read more
Any kind of fine or penalty might charge you. Any valuable you have been searching for long might come back to you.Read more
You will turn into an argumentative human being. However, your influential nature and superb ideas will let you shine on work front.Read more
This is going to be an average phase for you. Keeping a check on health will keep you away from health issues. Read more
Profits from property will raise your bank balance. Personal life will blossom. Overall, a prosperous phase. Read more
You will share great bonds with powerful officials. Profits will reach you through multiple ways. Undoubtedly a great phase.Read more
Fruitful journeys will bring great results. Luck will stand by you in every situation. Beneficial agreements are possible.Read more