With the weekly horoscope for February 9, 2015, to February 15, 2015, you will get to know how this week is going to be. Read your ascendant sign based predictions written by ‘’Pt. Deepak Dubey’’ and discover your future possibilities for this week.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Read your horoscope for year 2015:Horoscope 2015 Predictions
Leave the thought of changing job for some time, otherwise you will have to wait for long. Luck is a bit weak and expenses are increasing, but try to control them in a calm manner and don’t take any decision in a hurry. Negativity in thoughts may create some problems at work front. Maintain cordial relationship with sisters, though they are with you in every situation. Your younger brother may create some problems, so you have to act with love as well as strictness this time. Some legal problems are possible for businessmen, but they would get resolved with time. However, it might put some negative impact on your business.
Remedy/Treatment: Do Yoga and Pranayama regularly. Avoid intake of cold products. Visit Lord Bhairav temple this week.
Click here to read Aries Horoscope for 2015:Aries Horoscope 2015
Those who are in job have to stay a bit extra cautious from their seniors this time. Don’t apply any carelessness in work. Journeys may remain unproductive and full of problems. Some unknown fear may surround you, which is completely baseless. These fears are nothing more than your imagination. This is not at all good for your health and domestic life. Your intimacy is likely to increase with someone from opposite sex. Probably he/she would be elder than you.
Remedy/Treatment: Don’t take any financial risk. Worship Maa Bhagwati.
Click here to read Taurus Horoscope for 2015:Taurus Horoscope 2015
A very good combination of destiny and deeds is possible this week. You are a good decision maker, but this quality will further improve this time. Your decisions will prove right and advices given to others will create great results for them. As a result, you will gain appreciation from others. You are likely to get the desired results in business and education. You will get the result of hard work, so keep on doing it with full dedication. Chances of travelling abroad are also there. Happiness will come from children. Time is good for those who are not married, but are in love. Their relationship can change into marriage.
Remedy/Treatment: Wrap coconut in green cloth and float in running water. Avoid alcohol and over enthusiasm. Avoid having warm milk at night.
Click here to read Gemini Horoscope for 2015: Gemini Horoscope 2015
Slow down your pace of moving ahead in life. Time is not appropriate for taking big financial decisions, so keep a check on your work and relax. Analyse your old works and don’t take any risk. You can apply for new jobs, but don’t expect much from this week. Also, those who are looking for a job change are advised to wait for a while. This week is good for travelling and entertainment, so make some plans with your family or friends. If you are allergic to something, take care, as the problem might trouble you again.
Remedy/Treatment: Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra or perform Rudrabhishekam for maintaining good health. If there is any major problem, go for the due ritual of Maha Mrityunjay Mantra.
Click here to read Cancer Horoscope for 2015:Cancer Horoscope 2015
Stay cautious about your health and try to sleep properly, otherwise headache and restlessness are possible. Time is not in favor, so try to maintain the present situation. Something might happen which will make you feel uncomfortable. Neither you will feel good at home nor outside, reason being turbulence in mind. A new relationship may come in your life. Ups and downs will come for love birds. Financial situation will not remain under control. Time is a little uncertain for work and business, so you are advised not to take any big decision this time.
Remedy/Treatment: Avoid arguments and don’t interfere in anybody’s work. Perform Yoga & meditation to stay calm.
Click here to read Leo Horoscope for 2015:Leo Horoscope 2015
The path you are thinking to follow does not belongs to you. You may come in contact with any wrong male or female. You will not be able to concentrate in work and mind will remain very playful. Time is very sensitive for male natives, they should try hard to avoid bad company, addiction and bad deeds. Spend time with near and dear ones and follow their advice. If you are facing problem in taking decisions, take advice of your dear ones. Be careful regarding financial matters. Take care of your mother’s health. Avoid taking loan, otherwise it would become difficult to repay it back. Stay away from deep water bodies. Avoid traveling at night. Don’t drink and drive.
Remedy/Treatment: Avoid company of bad people if Dasha (period) of Rahu is there. Avoid alcohol and perform Rudrabhishekam.
Click here to read Virgo Horoscope for 2015:Virgo Horoscope 2015
Your decision making abilities will improve, which will impress your opponents as well. Your valuable advices will make you shine among others. Time is extremely encouraging for love-birds. Those who want to do love-marriage, their wait is going to end very soon. Time is very suitable for overseas operations. Exporters & importers are likely to gain new contracts and profits. Maintain safe distance from electrical appliances and fire. Drive slowly. Stay alert from iron items, as injury is possible.
Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Hanuman before leaving home. Read Hanuman Chalisa regularly, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Click here to read Libra Horoscope for 2015: Libra Horoscope 2015
Time is not at all favorable. Stay very calm, patient, and restraint. You might face problems in accomplishing works easily. This time will that how you react in unfavorable situations. If you cross this time easily, every other challenge will look smaller. More patience would be required if Dasha (period) of Saturn or Rahu is there. What to do when nothing is coming out in your favor, you are not feeling good and family is also not supporting? The answers to all these problems are calmness, patience and consistency. Avoid business trips, financial risks and arguments this week.
Remedy/Treatment: Chant Shani Mrityunjay Mantra. Postpone travelling in South-west direction.
Click here to read Scorpio Horoscope for 2015:Scorpio Horoscope 2015
Time is appropriate for job change and giving interviews. Your intellect will help in coming out from unfavorable situations. This time is suitable for work, but may remain a bit difficult for domestic life. Take care of your child, as any eye related problem is possible. You will feel happy after back getting a lost item. A pleasant journey is possible with spouse. Try hard to gain success in competitions and education, because time is a bit weak for them. Any bad news is likely to come from relatives.
Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Saturn regularly. For pacifying Jupiter, make donations of things like yellow cloth, banana, Besan ke Ladoo to any religious place or to students.
Click here to read Sagittarius Horoscope for 2015:Sagittarius Horoscope 2015
Your confidence will remain high, you will be ready to find the solution of every problem enthusiastically. Time is favorable for getting financial gains, sudden and unexpected income will come. You will feel happy and determined to complete your works successfully. Time is favorable for businessmen, they are likely to get new opportunities and contracts. The same kind of situation is there for those who are in job. You will get success in social works on the basis of your strength. Exporters & importers are also likely to get good opportunities. Your effect will increase among seniors, but then also stay cautious while talking to them.
Remedy/Treatment: Install Kuber Yantra for betterment in business and increase in prosperity. If going to travel in North direction, eat some curd and sugar before leaving home.
Click here to read Capricorn Horoscope for 2015:Capricorn Horoscope 2015
Lots of ups and downs will come in thoughts, mind and heart will remain upset. Either you will feel difficulty in taking decisions or your decisions will produce unfavorable results. Either you will not get chance to participate and somehow if you participate, success is doubtful. There are strong chances of financial loss, especially if you are a businessman. Time is not appropriate for starting any new business or for financial experiments. Health issues are possible to your child. Long distance journeys will remain favorable and some sort of cooperation is also likely to come from distant relatives. Any sad news may distract you, which will further affect your work and health.
Remedy/Treatment: Chant “Om Ram Rahave Namah” (“ॐ रां राहवे नमः”) 17000 times. Make donations for pacifying Rahu. Avoid red and yellow colored food products and clothes.
Click here to read Aquarius Horoscope for 2015:Aquarius Horoscope 2015
Don’t experiment anything new in business and work, as time is not favorable for it. Expenses are likely to increase a lot. This week is not good for love birds, unnecessary disputes may occur and trust is likely to decrease. Dispute with someone closer will make you feel sad. Differences are also possible with father and brother. You will feel restless due to turbulence in mind and will feel difficulty in concentrating in any work. You are required to follow the advice of elders and close ones. Control your mind and speech this week.
Remedy/Treatment: Don’t get in argument with elders if Dasha of Sun, Rahu or Ketu is there. Maintain safe distance from fire.
Click here to read Pisces Horoscope for 2015: Pisces Horoscope 2015
ByPt. Deepak Dubey
(February 9 - February 15, 2015) Week at a glance:
- Kala Ashtami: February 12, Thursday
- Punya Sankranti, Sun in Aquarius: February 13, Friday
- Vijaya Ekadashi: February 15, Sunday
- Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga: From 17:25 of February 12 to 17:57 of February 13, and from Sunrise of February 15 to 16:30 in the evening.
Know Your Ascendant Sign Now!
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Read your horoscope for year 2015:Horoscope 2015 Predictions
Leave the thought of changing job for some time, otherwise you will have to wait for long. Luck is a bit weak and expenses are increasing, but try to control them in a calm manner and don’t take any decision in a hurry. Negativity in thoughts may create some problems at work front. Maintain cordial relationship with sisters, though they are with you in every situation. Your younger brother may create some problems, so you have to act with love as well as strictness this time. Some legal problems are possible for businessmen, but they would get resolved with time. However, it might put some negative impact on your business.
Remedy/Treatment: Do Yoga and Pranayama regularly. Avoid intake of cold products. Visit Lord Bhairav temple this week.
Click here to read Aries Horoscope for 2015:Aries Horoscope 2015
Those who are in job have to stay a bit extra cautious from their seniors this time. Don’t apply any carelessness in work. Journeys may remain unproductive and full of problems. Some unknown fear may surround you, which is completely baseless. These fears are nothing more than your imagination. This is not at all good for your health and domestic life. Your intimacy is likely to increase with someone from opposite sex. Probably he/she would be elder than you.
Remedy/Treatment: Don’t take any financial risk. Worship Maa Bhagwati.
Click here to read Taurus Horoscope for 2015:Taurus Horoscope 2015
A very good combination of destiny and deeds is possible this week. You are a good decision maker, but this quality will further improve this time. Your decisions will prove right and advices given to others will create great results for them. As a result, you will gain appreciation from others. You are likely to get the desired results in business and education. You will get the result of hard work, so keep on doing it with full dedication. Chances of travelling abroad are also there. Happiness will come from children. Time is good for those who are not married, but are in love. Their relationship can change into marriage.
Remedy/Treatment: Wrap coconut in green cloth and float in running water. Avoid alcohol and over enthusiasm. Avoid having warm milk at night.
Click here to read Gemini Horoscope for 2015: Gemini Horoscope 2015
Slow down your pace of moving ahead in life. Time is not appropriate for taking big financial decisions, so keep a check on your work and relax. Analyse your old works and don’t take any risk. You can apply for new jobs, but don’t expect much from this week. Also, those who are looking for a job change are advised to wait for a while. This week is good for travelling and entertainment, so make some plans with your family or friends. If you are allergic to something, take care, as the problem might trouble you again.
Remedy/Treatment: Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra or perform Rudrabhishekam for maintaining good health. If there is any major problem, go for the due ritual of Maha Mrityunjay Mantra.
Click here to read Cancer Horoscope for 2015:Cancer Horoscope 2015
Stay cautious about your health and try to sleep properly, otherwise headache and restlessness are possible. Time is not in favor, so try to maintain the present situation. Something might happen which will make you feel uncomfortable. Neither you will feel good at home nor outside, reason being turbulence in mind. A new relationship may come in your life. Ups and downs will come for love birds. Financial situation will not remain under control. Time is a little uncertain for work and business, so you are advised not to take any big decision this time.
Remedy/Treatment: Avoid arguments and don’t interfere in anybody’s work. Perform Yoga & meditation to stay calm.
Click here to read Leo Horoscope for 2015:Leo Horoscope 2015
The path you are thinking to follow does not belongs to you. You may come in contact with any wrong male or female. You will not be able to concentrate in work and mind will remain very playful. Time is very sensitive for male natives, they should try hard to avoid bad company, addiction and bad deeds. Spend time with near and dear ones and follow their advice. If you are facing problem in taking decisions, take advice of your dear ones. Be careful regarding financial matters. Take care of your mother’s health. Avoid taking loan, otherwise it would become difficult to repay it back. Stay away from deep water bodies. Avoid traveling at night. Don’t drink and drive.
Remedy/Treatment: Avoid company of bad people if Dasha (period) of Rahu is there. Avoid alcohol and perform Rudrabhishekam.
Click here to read Virgo Horoscope for 2015:Virgo Horoscope 2015
Your decision making abilities will improve, which will impress your opponents as well. Your valuable advices will make you shine among others. Time is extremely encouraging for love-birds. Those who want to do love-marriage, their wait is going to end very soon. Time is very suitable for overseas operations. Exporters & importers are likely to gain new contracts and profits. Maintain safe distance from electrical appliances and fire. Drive slowly. Stay alert from iron items, as injury is possible.
Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Hanuman before leaving home. Read Hanuman Chalisa regularly, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Click here to read Libra Horoscope for 2015: Libra Horoscope 2015
Time is not at all favorable. Stay very calm, patient, and restraint. You might face problems in accomplishing works easily. This time will that how you react in unfavorable situations. If you cross this time easily, every other challenge will look smaller. More patience would be required if Dasha (period) of Saturn or Rahu is there. What to do when nothing is coming out in your favor, you are not feeling good and family is also not supporting? The answers to all these problems are calmness, patience and consistency. Avoid business trips, financial risks and arguments this week.
Remedy/Treatment: Chant Shani Mrityunjay Mantra. Postpone travelling in South-west direction.
Click here to read Scorpio Horoscope for 2015:Scorpio Horoscope 2015
Time is appropriate for job change and giving interviews. Your intellect will help in coming out from unfavorable situations. This time is suitable for work, but may remain a bit difficult for domestic life. Take care of your child, as any eye related problem is possible. You will feel happy after back getting a lost item. A pleasant journey is possible with spouse. Try hard to gain success in competitions and education, because time is a bit weak for them. Any bad news is likely to come from relatives.
Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Saturn regularly. For pacifying Jupiter, make donations of things like yellow cloth, banana, Besan ke Ladoo to any religious place or to students.
Click here to read Sagittarius Horoscope for 2015:Sagittarius Horoscope 2015
Your confidence will remain high, you will be ready to find the solution of every problem enthusiastically. Time is favorable for getting financial gains, sudden and unexpected income will come. You will feel happy and determined to complete your works successfully. Time is favorable for businessmen, they are likely to get new opportunities and contracts. The same kind of situation is there for those who are in job. You will get success in social works on the basis of your strength. Exporters & importers are also likely to get good opportunities. Your effect will increase among seniors, but then also stay cautious while talking to them.
Remedy/Treatment: Install Kuber Yantra for betterment in business and increase in prosperity. If going to travel in North direction, eat some curd and sugar before leaving home.
Click here to read Capricorn Horoscope for 2015:Capricorn Horoscope 2015
Lots of ups and downs will come in thoughts, mind and heart will remain upset. Either you will feel difficulty in taking decisions or your decisions will produce unfavorable results. Either you will not get chance to participate and somehow if you participate, success is doubtful. There are strong chances of financial loss, especially if you are a businessman. Time is not appropriate for starting any new business or for financial experiments. Health issues are possible to your child. Long distance journeys will remain favorable and some sort of cooperation is also likely to come from distant relatives. Any sad news may distract you, which will further affect your work and health.
Remedy/Treatment: Chant “Om Ram Rahave Namah” (“ॐ रां राहवे नमः”) 17000 times. Make donations for pacifying Rahu. Avoid red and yellow colored food products and clothes.
Click here to read Aquarius Horoscope for 2015:Aquarius Horoscope 2015
Don’t experiment anything new in business and work, as time is not favorable for it. Expenses are likely to increase a lot. This week is not good for love birds, unnecessary disputes may occur and trust is likely to decrease. Dispute with someone closer will make you feel sad. Differences are also possible with father and brother. You will feel restless due to turbulence in mind and will feel difficulty in concentrating in any work. You are required to follow the advice of elders and close ones. Control your mind and speech this week.
Remedy/Treatment: Don’t get in argument with elders if Dasha of Sun, Rahu or Ketu is there. Maintain safe distance from fire.
Click here to read Pisces Horoscope for 2015: Pisces Horoscope 2015
ByPt. Deepak Dubey
Event Of The Day!Click here to know today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-nifty predictions Have a nice day! |