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Weekly Horoscope (January 5, 2015 - January 11, 2015)

With this weekly horoscope for January 5, 2014 to January 11, 2015; you will get to know how this week is for you. Read your Moon sign based predictions written by Pt. Deepak Dubey here.

(January 5 - January 11, 2015) Week at a glance:

  • Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti, Snan-Daan Purnima, Snan (holy bath) of Magha month will start from January 5, 2015, i.e. Sunday
  • Pushya Amrit Yoga: January 6 and 7, i.e. Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Fast of Sankashti Shree Ganesh Chaturthi: January 8, 2015, i.e. Thursday
  • Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga and Amrit Siddhi Yoga: January 11, 2015, i.e. Sunday


Income may come from more than one sources. You will spend a good time with life-partner and an enjoyable and entertaining journey may also possible. Good news will come from children. If you are going to give any exam or interview, go with full confidence, you will surely get success. Amazing energy, joy and positive thoughts will prevail. You will get some good news. Male and female natives will get immense support from people of opposite sex.

Precaution/Remedy: Give a gift to your mother or her equivalent woman. Stay cautious from servants.


Luck will support a lot. Chances of getting success are very high in every work. Time is favorable for making new investments, starting new business, and for going on interviews for a new job. The decisions which you will take on the strength of intellect will give favorable results. But, you have to keep one thing in mind that your decisions should not be influenced by the thoughts of other people. You will be able to defeat enemies on the basis of your intellect and strategic thinking, also they will not stand again for a long time.

Precaution/Remedy: Spend time with your spouse and flow a coconut wrapped in red cloth in running water.


Money will come from some unexpected sources. Those who are searching for a new job or looking for a job change will also get some really good opportunities. Students will not be able to concentrate on studies. Some mental tensions are likely to come from children. Time is also not very favourable for health, some mental complications and exertion, both will disturb you. Sudden resist may come from someone, but you are advised to stay calm, this is not the right time to get into disputes. You will spend on luxuries.

Precaution/Remedy: Make donations for pacifying Mars like grams, jaggery, copper utensils and red cloth. Also offer vermilion to Lord Hanuman and must visit his temple every Tuesday.


You will feel excited and some auspicious event will take place at home, any spiritual task is also possible. Chances are arising of buying a new vehicle. Your wish of buying an own house or land will get fulfilled. You will get respect in society. Those who are searching for a job, their search will come to an end, very soon. Journeys will remain enjoyable and you will also get a chance to travel somewhere with family. There are good chances of success in business. Foreign trade will also give benefit. Although minor delay or disputes are possible in works, but you will get success at last. Some of your halted tasks will get completed this week, by the help of higher officials.

Precaution/Remedy: Donate yellow lentils and Besan Laddoo. Offer stationery items to students and yellow clothes at any religious place.


This week you need to keep a check on your anger and words, because it might increase a lot. Sudden profits are possible, but you might feel restless. Some child related problems are also likely to arise. Pregnant ladies are advised to take special care of themselves. You may have to go away from home for some time. The time is also showing strong chances of change at home as well as work. There are chances that your expenditure rate may rise. You may have to take loan all of a sudden. Additionally, you are advised not to make new investments as well as new decisions.

Precaution/Remedy: Stay away from deep water bodies and violent animals. Perform regular worship of Shiva and Sun. Try to stay at bay from anger and ego, and avoid any dispute at home.


Your valor will be on high this week. If you are participating in any competition, there are good chances of success. Time is really auspicious for the work related journeys. However, time may require some caution in marital life. You might face a dispute with your spouse due to some reason. Hence, try to keep your relations sweet with the one. Promotion is expected for working people. Businessmen will also see good opportunities to earn money, but expenditures will equally rise. Those who are working in partnerships need to stay really cautious.

Precaution/Remedy: You need to avoid any type of negative thought and impulse during this week. If you are into drugs, avoid it before it causes you harm. Make donations related to Rahu. 


Your spouse will be a good support this week, and he/she will bring you all type of happiness. Many of your stuck tasks will be resolved, and if you were planning to buy a property or vehicle since long, then the time might make your dream come true. All types of disputes will be resolved during this time, and it will also be in your favor. Time is also nice for journeys. If you are thinking about investment and expansion in business, this is the best time. Those who are looking for job, will get the one; and those who were waiting for promotion, will get their dream come true.

Precaution/Remedy: Chant Shani Mantra, and burn camphor (Kapoor) in front of Shani Dev or Shiv Ji in the evening.


Luck will be strong and you will experience incredible valor, wisdom, and energy. Personal life will be blissful, relations with spouse will get better, and those who were waiting to get married will get positive response. Pregnant ladies need to be cautious. You may expect this week to be even more better than expectations in the matters related to love life. Businessmen will get more than one sources of income and working people will get better opportunities. Health of spouse or father may get adversely affected, so you need to be cautious.

Precaution/Remedy: Drugs may create a really big problem for you. Hence, avoid it if you do and keep a good control over your speech. Donate clothes and food to lepers.


This week is of actions. Hence, don’t be lazy at all and keep on working. If you were waiting for a work to get accomplished since long, it will be done during this time. Children will bring you bliss, and if you are participating in education related competition, you will get support of your luck as well as hard work. Those who are involved into social as well as political works will experience growth. If you were planning to buy a new vehicle, you will get success during this week. Journeys will be positive as well as comfortable. Chances of increment at work is also seen. Also, time is favorable for investments. 

Precaution/Remedy: Try to avoid sweet as well as heavy foods. Offer grass to Ganesh Ji and chant his Mantra “Om Gan Ganapataye Namah” in the morning.


You will be able to fulfill the desires of family members, and if there will be any expenditure related to home, it won’t trouble you. Along with work, you are suggested to go for some entertainment and rest as well. Try to keep your excitement as well as thoughts a bit controlled, and don’t expose your plans publicly. Decisions taken in the past for you will improve your current financial situation. You will get results to your efforts. Journeys made for financial benefit will be fruitful because time is good. Still, stay at bay from betting. Your spouse may face some health related issues.

Precaution/Remedy: Avoid excitement and perform Venus related donations. Additionally, offer lotus to Goddess Lakshmi for financial stability.


In this week, chances are adverse for financial as well as social stratum. Stay cautious from your closed ones; especially, in the matters of exchange of money because you might get cheated. Financial situation may shake due to theft or any other type of loss. However, children will bring bliss to your life; and those who are preparing for education or competition, success is expected for them. This week, time will be good for working people, but stressful for businessmen. Additionally, loss is indicated at workplace due to theft or cheating.

Precaution/Remedy: In the evening, burn a wick lamp in front of Shani Dev under a Pipal tree or in a Shiva temple. Keep your servants happy and offer food to lepers.


You may achieve something on the basis of your self motivation as well as valor. But, some dispute is possible with your life partner; and some tiff is also possible with your partner. Hence, stay cautious. Name and fame will rise a lot, and you might get honored somewhere. Stay at bay from betting and gambling because luck is not very strong. Promotion in job or transfer at a desired place is also seen. Spouse may face stress or allergy related problems. Overall, the week will be good for social life, but a bit difficult for familial life. 

Precaution/Remedy: Take good care of the health of your partner as well as your health, and keep a control over anger. If you take drugs, especially alcohol, then leave it immediately. Worship Goddess Bbhagwati (Durga) and gift toys to children.

Event Of The Day!

Click here to see today’s stock market predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

Today is Paush Purnima; devotees worship Lord Moon today.

Also, this auspicious day is added more beauty with the event of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Jayanti. On this day, the birthday of tenth Sikh Guru is celebrate.

Have a great day!

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