We are happy to announce AstroSage.com, No.1 Indian astrology website, in Tamil language with all its features and tools, that too, absolutely for free.
We have a lot of our users from South India and, especially, Tamil Jathagam has been a long pending demand from many of you. Now, all of our free astrological services that were previously available only in English and Hindi can be accessed in Tamil.
Our Tamil version contains following features that makes it an unparalleled and mesmerizing experience:
40+ pages of FREE Tamil Jathagam
Please let us know what do you think about our Tamil website. We welcome your feedback and would like to improve our site further.
We have a lot of our users from South India and, especially, Tamil Jathagam has been a long pending demand from many of you. Now, all of our free astrological services that were previously available only in English and Hindi can be accessed in Tamil.
Our Tamil version contains following features that makes it an unparalleled and mesmerizing experience:
40+ pages of FREE Tamil Jathagam
- 10 Porutham
- KP System
- Lal Kitab
- Transit predictions
- Dasa predictions
- Kuja Dosha
- Kal Sarpa Dosa
- Sani Sade Sati etc
Please let us know what do you think about our Tamil website. We welcome your feedback and would like to improve our site further.
Today's EventIt’s Monday! The week has just begun. Do you want to make it best? Know everything about this week in advance here: The week is full of celebrations; it’s Diwali time! Diwali gifts, crackers, sweets, shopping; Diwali is the biggest festival of Hindus. If you want to know Puja Muhurat, Puja Vidhi, astrological aspects, legend, and everything related to this festival; click here:Diwali In 2014 Diwali is a 5-day festival. Want to know everything in detail about these 5 days? Check out the links below: Day 1: Dhanteras Day 2: Kali Chaudas Day 4: Govardhan Puja Day 5: Bhai Dooj This year, Diwali is coming with Surya Grahan. We know the secret of this conjunction. Check out this exclusive article by Pt. Deepak Dubey: Surya Grahan On Diwali 2014 Read our exclusive article on solar eclipse in 2014 here: Surya Grahan In 2014 We will keep on updating you with everything about festivals and astrology. All you need is to stay tuned with us. If any idea comes to your mind, just shoot a comment below and help us to improve for you. Have a good day! |