Third day of Sharad Navratri 2014 i.e. September 27 has come along the Goddess with golden body, adorned with a crescent Moon. She rides the mighty tigress and is the epitome of strength. Do you know that she can give you the power to win over anything?
The third day of Navratri is dedicated to Devi Chandraghanta, who is the married avatar of Devi Parvati. She got the name Chandraghanta because after her marriage with Shiva, she started wearing the crescent Moon over her head. Chandraghanta is a Sanskrit term. Chandra means Moon and Ghanta means bell. Hence, Chandraghanta is the Goddess who wears crescent Moon like a bell over her forehead.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Click here to know more about this day: Navratri Day 3
As per the beliefs, she rules the planet Venus and rides on a tigress. She has ten hands. In her four right-side hands, she holds trident, Gada (blunt mace), sword, and Kamandal (stoup). The fifth right hand stays in Varada Mudra. In her left-side four hands, she carries lotus, arrow, bow, and rosary. The fifth hand stays in Abhaya Mudra.
Goddess Chandraghanta is the form of Parvati who is ready for the war. As per the beliefs, it is said that when bell-like Moon at her forehead rings, it scares the negativities around and the ambiance gets positive.
(Below given Panchanga is on the basis of New Delhi region.)
The process of worshiping Devi Chandraghanta is same as all other days of Navratri. Just the Mantra varies. For worshiping Goddess Chandraghanta, following Mantras are recited:
Dhyan Mantra
Click here to know the worshiping process: Navratri Puja Vidhi
Worshiping Goddess Chandraghanta will bless you with immense power and strength to face anything. She is the Mother Goddess who gives valor to her children. Let’s bow to the eternal mother together and be blessed.
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The third day of Navratri is dedicated to Devi Chandraghanta, who is the married avatar of Devi Parvati. She got the name Chandraghanta because after her marriage with Shiva, she started wearing the crescent Moon over her head. Chandraghanta is a Sanskrit term. Chandra means Moon and Ghanta means bell. Hence, Chandraghanta is the Goddess who wears crescent Moon like a bell over her forehead.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Click here to know more about this day: Navratri Day 3
As per the beliefs, she rules the planet Venus and rides on a tigress. She has ten hands. In her four right-side hands, she holds trident, Gada (blunt mace), sword, and Kamandal (stoup). The fifth right hand stays in Varada Mudra. In her left-side four hands, she carries lotus, arrow, bow, and rosary. The fifth hand stays in Abhaya Mudra.
Goddess Chandraghanta is the form of Parvati who is ready for the war. As per the beliefs, it is said that when bell-like Moon at her forehead rings, it scares the negativities around and the ambiance gets positive.
Sharad Navratri 2014: Day 3 Panchang
(Below given Panchanga is on the basis of New Delhi region.)
- Today, the time of sunrise is 06:11 am and sunset is at 06:12 pm.
- Moonrise is at 08:44 am and it is setting at 08:09 pm.
- The Tithi (Hindu day) is Tritiya (the third day) - 03:27 pm, Ashvin month, Shukla Paksha (bright half), and Swati Nakshatra (10:42 pm) is prevailing.
- Rahukaal is beginning at 09:13 am and ending at 10:42 am.
- Abhijeet Muhurat is from 11:48 am to 12:35 pm.
- Amrit Kaal is from 01:25 pm to 03:06 pm.
- Puja Muhurat: 07:41 am to 09:12 am
Devi Chandraghanta Worship
The process of worshiping Devi Chandraghanta is same as all other days of Navratri. Just the Mantra varies. For worshiping Goddess Chandraghanta, following Mantras are recited:
Dhyan Mantra
पिण्डज प्रवरारुढ़ा चण्डकोपास्त्र कैर्युता |
प्रसादं तनुते मह्यं चंद्र घंष्टेति विश्रुता ||
प्रसादं तनुते मह्यं चंद्र घंष्टेति विश्रुता ||
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ चंद्रघंटा रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
Click here to know the worshiping process: Navratri Puja Vidhi
Worshiping Goddess Chandraghanta will bless you with immense power and strength to face anything. She is the Mother Goddess who gives valor to her children. Let’s bow to the eternal mother together and be blessed.
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May Goddess Chandraghanta bless you with immense power!
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