How is the Sensex-Nifty playing today? What is this day bringing for Gold and Silver market? The future of commodity market. Astrological aspects of the day. Everything at one place, AstroSage! Check everything along with today’s Panchang in detail.
Auspiciousness Of The Day!
Today is Monday. Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha is beginning from today. After worshiping and observing fast for Lord Shiva for one month, a new month is beginning from today. As per beliefs, intake of curd should be avoided during this month.
The time of today’s sunrise in Delhi is 05:48 and for sunset is 19:04.
To know the time of sunrise and sunset for your city, click on the link given below:
Sunrise & Sunset Time Of Your City
Let’s now have a look at today’s Panchang.
- The day is under Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of Bhadrapada month in Shree Samvat 2071; Shak Samvat 1936.
- Sun is is transiting into Dakshinayana and rainy season is going on.
- Today is Pratipada Tithi.
- Today, Moon is posited in Ghanishta Nakshatra (Ghanistha constellation) and is transiting in Aquarius.
- Today is Saubhagya Yoga and Balava Karana.
Today’s Rahu Kaal
Every day, a particular duration is under the influence of Rahu. This duration of approximately 90 minutes is known as Rahu Kaal. Under this period of Rahu Kaal, nothing auspicious should be done. However, if any such thing is performed, possibilities of facing hurdles increases. It is suggested to keep a check on this unfavorable time.
Today’s Rahu Kaal period in Delhi will be from 07:27 to 09:07.
To check Rahu Kaal period of your city, click on the link given below:
Check Rahu Kaal Of Your City Here
Fast Of The Day
Being Monday, you can worship and observe fast for Lord Shiva and Moon. Lord Shiva will enhance prosperity and harmony in your family. On the other hands, with the glory of Lord Moon, your mental peace will increase. Today is Ashunyashyan Vrat. Natives who have unfavorable Moon in their horoscope or health of their mother is not going well, should worship Lord Moon and observe fast for him on this day.
Tithi Of The Day
Today, the God of Pratipada Tithi is Lord of Fire (Agni dev). Worship Lord of fire after worshiping your God for the betterment of the day.
Best Trading Time
When we do any task according to Muhurat, its success rate increases. On the other hand, if anything is done during unfavorable Muhurat, its chances of failure increases. You can successfully complete your business and domestic activities with assistance of Chaughadia Muhurat. This Muhurta can mainly be used by traders, merchandisers, wholesalers, share brokers, wealth appropriators and import export business.
In Delhi, Auspicious Chaughadia Are As Follows:
Chaughadia | Timing |
Amrit | 05:48 to 07:27 |
Shubh | 09:07 to 10:46 |
Chal | 14:05 to 15:45 |
Labh | 15:45 to 17:25 |
Amrit | 17:25 to 19:04 |
Auspicious Chaughadia for evening for sale and purchase is as follows:
Chaughadia | Timing |
Chal | 19:04 to 20:25 |
Labh | 23:05 to 00:26 |
Click Here To Know The Chaughadia Of Your Place
Inauspicious Muhurat
Each one of us wants positivity in work. To do so, we also keep on making efforts. Surely, you also wants to know about the inauspicious Muhurats in advance, so that you can avoid them. An inauspicious Muhurat will occur today also, let’s talk about it in advance.
Today, Panchak is going to start from 09:05 in the morning. It will remain till August 15. Religious activities and important Pujas should not be done in the Panchak period. Five works that are restricted in this period are:
1. Fuel should not be collected.
2. Travelling in South direction should not be done.
3. The construction of roof should be avoided.
4. Bed should not be made for sleeping.
5. Cremation should not be done without following proper remedies.
Stock Market Forecast For Today
Share market is like the mirror of a nation’s economy. Investors and many other people keep a hawk eye over its ups and downs. Let’s now know how the share market will fare today.
Our astrological stock market predictions are prepared exclusively by our Share Market Expert, Astrologer Rajeev K. Khattar.
Planets position on 11th August 2014 at 09:15am at Mumbai
Lagna & Rahu in Virgo
Sun, Mercury, Venus& Jupiter in Cancer
Ketu in Pisces
Mars& Saturn in Libra
Moon inAquarius
Planetary Aspects
Sun opposite Moon and trines Ketu. Moon opposite Sun & Mercury and trines Rahu. Mars squares Jupiter. Mercury conjoins Sun, opposite Moon & Trines Ketu. Saturn squares Sun & Mercury. Rahu sextiles Sun & Mercury.
Tithi: Krishna Pratipada
Nakshatra: Dhanishtha
Chandra Rasi: Kumbha
Karana: Balava
Bearish sentiments will rule the day.
Persons having Pisces& CancerMoon signs/Lagna (ascendant) may get financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.
We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading, but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.
Gold & Silver Market Forecast For Today
Let’s now talk about the mood of gold and silver market of the day.
Today, there will be downfall in the prices of Gold, in Delhi. But, situation can change in the second part of the day. So, stay alert. Silver prices are expected to fall. But, prices may rise during the second part of the day.
Disclaimer: The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.
How the stars and constellations faring according to your Moon sign today? Let’s see here: Daily Horoscope Predictions